Centre for Plant Bidiversity Research

Ecological Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms

6 September 2000

Powerpoint Presentation

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Table of Contents

Ecological Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms

Summary of talk

PPT Slide

Potential benefits

USDA study of GM crop impact

The debate

Lessons from biological invasions

Invasions are rare events

Useful species can be harmful

Other types of impacts causing concern

Environmental debate

Where does the research fit?

Research effort - new component

Outline of research

Field crop GMOs

Field crop GMOs

Pathfinder studies - 2 Future GMOs

Rumen biota

PPT Slide



Computer modelling

Risk analysis

Ecological risk assessment

Risk communication and perception

Risk communication

Risk communication for GMOs

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Summary - impacts of GMOs on the environment

A new vision for agriculture?

Author: Mark Lonsdale