Goodall, David William (1914 - 2018)
Born 4 April 1914 in Edmonton, England; Died 10 May 2018, aged 104, in Switzerland.
David William Goodall is an Honorary Research Associate at the Centre for Ecosystem Management at Edith Cowan University and Editor-in-Chief of the series Ecosystems of the World. Throughout his distinguished career which stretches over sixty years, Goodall has worked in the five major continents of the world and has (co-) authored well over 130 scientific works. His present interests include developing methods for probabilistic classification and its application to Australian Drosera species and subspecies and to vegetation data collected according to the Braun-Blanquet method.
- 1935 - Forbes Memorial Prize and Medal received from the Royal College of Science
- 1935 - Bachelor of Science (BSc) completed at the University of London
- 1939 - 1946 - Research Assistant then Scientific Officer at the Research institute of Plant Physiology at the East Malling Research Station in Kent, UK
- 1941 - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) completed at the University of London
- 1946 - 1947 - Plant Physiologist at the West African Cacao Research Institute in Tafo, Ghana
- 1948 - Migrated to Australia
- 1948 - 1952 - Senior Lecturer in Botany at the University of Melbourne
- 1952 - 1954 - Senior Lecturer, then Reader in Botany at the University College of the Gold Coast in Achimota, Ghana
- 1953 - Doctor of Science (DSc) received from the University of Melbourne
- 1954 - 1956 - Professor of Agricultural Botany at the University of Reading, UK
- 1956 - 1961 - Director of the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Tobacco Research Institute in Mareeba, Queensland
- 1956 - 1961 - Senior Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO Division of Plant Science
- 1961 - 1967 - Senior Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO Division of Mathematical Statistics in Perth
- 1965 - 1967 - Honorary Reader in Botany at the University of Western Australia
- 1967 - 1968 - Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of California, USA
- 1968 - 1974 - Professor of Systems Ecology at the Ecology Centre at the Utah State University, USA
- 1974 - 1978 - Member of the Advisory Committee for the Swedish Coniferous Forest Project.
- 1974 - 1979 - Senior Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management in Canberra, Deniliquin and Perth
- 1979 - Retired
- 1979 - 1998 - Honorary Research Fellow at the CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management then the Division of Wildlife and Ecology
- 1990 - Doctor of Science Nat. honoris causa received from the Università degli Studà di Trieste, Italy
- 1998 - Honorary Research Associate at the Centre for Ecosystem Management at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup campus
- 2018 - Died by assisted suicide in Switzerland, with some publicity, aged 104
Source: Extracted from: Encyclopedia of Australian Science website:
Portrait Photo: c.1971, Wikipedia
Collecting localities for 'Goodall, D.W.' from AVH (2024)
Data from 2,107 specimens