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Corymborkis veratrifolia (Reinw.) Blume, Orchid. Arch. Ind. 125, t. 42, f. E; t. 43, f. 1 (1858).
Hysteria veratrifolia Reinw. in Blume, Cat. van eenige der merk. zoo inals uit. gew. 1: 99 (1823), as nom. nud.; Reinw. in Blume, Cat. van eenige der merk. zoo inals uit. gew. 5 (1825-26); Corymborchis veratrifolia Blume, Fl. Javae Orch., 105, t. 42e & t. 43, f. 1 (1859); Corymbis veratrifolia (Reinw.) Rchb.f., Flora 48: 184 (1865). Type: Java, T. Lobb 162 (holo-neo K; iso-neo BM; illus. C).
Rynchanthera paniculata Blume, Tab. Java. Orchid. t. 16 (1825). Type: cult. Bogor? ex Java (illus.).
Macrostylis distichaBreda, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Asclep. t. 2 (1828); Corymbis disticha (Breda) Lindl., Fol. Orch. 5 (1854). Type: Java, Breda s.n. (illus.).
Corymborkis assamica Blume, Fl. Javae Orch., 126, t. 43, f. 2 (1859). Type: Assam, Jenkins s.n. (lecto L, isolecto K).
Arundina tahitensis Nadeaud, Enum. pl. Tahiti 37 (1873). Type: Tahita, J. Naeaud s.n. (holo & iso P), fide Clements (1989).
Corymbis rhytidocarpa Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 92 (1890); Corymborkis rhytidocarpa (Hook.f.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 658 (1891). Type: Malaysia; Perak, Aug. 1885, King's collector 8014( lecto K; isolecto BO, E, SING, WU); Syntypes: Malaysia; Perak, King's collector 7925(BM, L, K, P); Malaysia, Scortechini 1259 (K); Malaysia, L. Wray 490 (K, SING).
Corymbis longiflora Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 92 (1890); Corymborkis longiflora (Hook.f.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 2: 658 (1891). Type: Malaysia, Perak, King's collector 6988(lecto K; isolecto SING); Syntypes: Malaysia, Scortechini 216b (K, SING); Malacca, Maingay 3134 (Kew distrib. 1661) (K).
Corymbis brevistylis Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 92 (1890); Corymborkis brevistylis (Hook.f.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 2: 658 (1891). Type: Malaysia, Perak, Sep. 1885, King's collector, Bwada Depong 8248(lecto K; isolecto BM, L).
Occurs in north-eastern Queensland from Iron Range to Airlie Beach.
Altitude: 0-800 m.
Extensively distributed throughout the Pacific, occuring on Christmas Island, New Guinea and Indonesia and extending north across South East Asia to Japan. It also occurs in Sri Lanka.
Terrestrial herb forming spreading clumps. Rhizomes slender, 3 mm wide. Stems erect, unbranched, 50-150 cm tall, thin, wiry. Leaves 6-15 per stem, scattered along stem, erect to prostrate, alternate, sessile, bases sheathing stem; lamina ovate to obovate, 20-30 cm x 7-10 cm, dark green, thin-textured, prominently pleated, margins entire to undulate, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescence an axillary panicle, corymbose, from upper axils, peduncle very short. Flowers 20-60, crowded, short-lived, non-resupinate, porrect, 20-25 mm wide, sepals green, petals and labellum white. Dorsal sepal free, deflexed, lanceolate, 25-30 mm x 2-3 mm. Lateral sepals free, spreading or incurved, linear to lanceolate, falcate, 20-25 mm x 2-3 mm. Petals recurved or curled, lanceolate, 25-30 mm x 3-4 mm, margins undulate or crisped. Labellum unlobed, 20-25 mm x 8-12 mm; base narrow, tubular, embracing column; apical part expanded, cordate, margins crenate. Column straight, 9-15 mm long. Column foot absent. Capsules porrect, dehiscent.
Occurs in lowland rainforests and on lower ranges and tablelands, where it grows in friable soil in shady, humid situations. The flowers are white, cinnamon scented and last only a few days. They are believed to be pollinated by moths.
Locally common.
Flowering period: December-March.