Stamen fusion

The staminal filaments (10 in number for all included taxa) may be variously fused (united to each other) or free. This character tends to be constant within genera, and may also reflect higher level relationships (i.e. between genera).

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Stamens all free or lightly cohering

The staminal filaments are free from each other, or lightly coherent towards the base (but easily separating).


Stamens fused into a closed tube

The staminal filaments are fused to each other forming a closed tube.


Stamens fused into a tube split along one side

The staminal filaments are fused to each other forming a tube that is split (usually to the base) along one side.


9 stamens fused into a tube, with 1 stamen free

Nine of the staminal filaments are fused to each other forming a tube with one filament free to the base. Occasionally the free stamen appears coherent but easily separated and becomes free as the flower ages.


Stamens fused in two groups of 5

The staminal filaments are fused into two bundles of five.