Glycine arenaria
Glycine arenaria Tindale
Tindale, M.D. (1987) Taxonomic notes on three Australian and
Norfolk Island species of Glycine Willd. (Fabaceae: Phaseolae)
including the choice of a neotype for G. Clandestina Wendl...
Brunonia 9(2): 187, fig. 4
"Road into `Carlton' Station, c. 50 km NNW. of
Kununurra, East Kimberley, W.A., 15°30'S., 128°34'E.,
sandy undulating plain with eucalypt woodland and strong grass
growth, locally common perennial legume with deep taproot. ...
R. Pullen 10894 (G1305), 27.4.1977 (CANB), examined. Isotypi:
K, NSW, PERTH, US, examined."