Indigofera cordifolia
Indigofera cordifolia B.Heyne ex Roth
Roth, A.W. (1821), Novarae Plantarum Species
praesertim Indiae orientalis: 357
"In India orientali hanc novam speciem detexit oculatissimus BENJ. HEYNE
et mecum sub hoc nomine benevole communicavit." [given by I. de Kort &
G.Thijsse, Blumea 30 (1984) 116 as "Heyne s.n. (L), Ind. Or."].
COMMENT: Base name for Anil cordifolia (Heyne)
Anil cordifolia (Roth) Kuntze ; Kuntze,
C.E.O. (1891), Revisio Generum Plantarum 1: 160
Hooker, J.D. (1855), The botany of the Antarctic
voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror . III. Flora Tasmaniae
1(1): xliii
Bentham, G. (1864), Flora Australiensis 2:
Kort, I. de & Thijsse, G. (1984) A revision of the
genus Indigofera (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) in Southeast Asia. Blumea
30(1): 89-151 (116)
Wilson, Peter G. & Rowe, R. (2004) A revision of the
Indigofereae (Fabaceae) in Australia. 1. Indigastrum and the simple or
unifoliolate species of Indigofera. Telopea 10(3): 673
DISTRIBUTION: Northern Territory