Jacksonia rhadinoclona
Jacksonia rhadinoclona F.Muell.
Mueller, F.H.J. von (1884), Systematic Census of Australian
Plants: 34
(not cited). ["... undique argenteo-sericeam habeo a
promontorio Cape Byron, ubi cl. Moore ..." (ref. F.Mueller,
Fragm. 10 (1876) 37)].
COMMENT: Validated by reference to the
Fragm. 10 (Mar. 1876) 37 where the name is invalidly
published as not accepted by the author at the time of
publication as evidenced by his statement "Varietatem aliam aut
speciem finitimam me sub nomine J. rhadinoclonae distributam"
and his not indexing the name in the Index on p. 127.
Thompson, J. (1961) Papilionaceae. Flora of New South
Wales 101(1): 28-30 (30)
UNDER: Jacksonia stackhousii F.Muell.