Pultenaea procumbens
Pultenaea procumbens A.Cunn.
Cunningham, A. in Field, B. (Ed) (1825), Geographical
Memoires on New South Wales: 347
"... frequent in the western interior, on exposed
Taxonomic Synonyms:
Pultenaea setigera A.Cunn. ex Benth. ; Bentham, G.
(1837), Commentationes de Leguminosarum Generibus:
Pultenaea staphyleoides G.Don ; Cunningham, A. ex
Don, G. in Don, G. (1832), A General History of
Dichlamydeous Plants 2: 124
Thompson, J. (1961) Papilionaceae. Flora of New South
Wales 101(1): 46-79 (73)
Kok, R.P.J. de & West, J.G. (2002) A revision of Pultenaea
(Fabaceae) 1. Species with ovaries glabrous and/or with tufted
hairs. Australian Systematic Botany 15(1): 99-101, Fig.
7 (map)
taxonomic Synonyms:
Pultenaea setigera A.Cunn. ex Benth. ; Bentham, G.
(1837), Commentationes de Leguminosarum Generibus:
Pultenaea epacridea F.Muell. ex Hook.f. ; Hooker,
J.D. (1856), The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M.
discovery ships Erebus and Terror . III. Flora Tasmaniae
1(2): 91
Pultenaea staphyleoides var. mutica H.B.Will.
; Williamson, H.B. (1925) A Revision of the Genus
Pultenaea, Part IV. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
Victoria 37(1): 127, pl. XVI.
Pultenaea staphyleoides var. mutica F.Muell. ex
Ewart nom. illeg. ; Ewart, A.J. (1931), Flora of
Victoria: 630