Abbreviations for the Major Groups
of the Plant and Fungal Kingdoms


The following six groups are all cryptogams and are all non-flowering, spore bearing plants (ie. plants without stamens, ovaries or seeds).

CA - (cryptogamae algae) - Algae

CF - (cryptogamae fungi) - Fungi

CH - (cryptogamae hepaticae) - Hepatics (Liverworts and Hornworts)

CL - (cryptogamae lichenes) - Lichens

CM - (cryptogamae musci) - Mosses

CP - (cryptogamae pteridophyta) - Pteridophytes

Worldwide, the Pteridophytes are classified into approximately 36 families, 370 genera and 9,300 species.

Seed plants

The following three groups are all seed bearing plants.

PG - (phanerogamae gymnospermae) - Gymnosperms

    The Gymnosperms are in the division Gymnospermae. Gymnosperm seeds are not enclosed in a carpel.

    Worldwide, Gymnosperms are classified into approximately 72 families, 758 genera and 830 species.

PD - (phanerogamae dicotyledonae) - Dicotyledons

    The Dicotyledons are a sub-division of the division Angiospermae, flowering plants. Angiosperm seeds are enclosed in a carpel.

    Dicot seedlings usually have two cotyledons, net venation in their leaves and often possess five merous flowers.

    Worldwide, the Dicotyledons are classified into approximately 320 families, 10,900 genera and 189,000 species.

PM - (phanerogamae monocotyledonae) - Monocotyledons

    The Monocotyledons are a sub-division of the division Angiospermae, flowering plants. Angiosperm seeds are enclosed in a carpel.

    Monocot seedlings usually have one cotyledon, parallel venation in their leaves and possess three merous flowers.

    Worldwide, the Monocotyledons are classified into approximately 92 families, 2,700 genera and 52,000 species.


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