Staff Profiles

Augusto Becerra Lopez-Lavalle
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Ph.D., Sydney University, Australia, 2002
M.Sc., 1995 Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University
B.Sc., 1991 Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University

Phone (+61) 02 6246 4984
Fax: (+61) 02 6246 5000
E-mail: Augusto.BecerraLopez-Lavalle@csiro.au
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra ACT 2601
My primary research interest is in understanding the genetic
control of Fusarium wilt (Fov) disease resistance in cotton,
which often have quantitative expression. Cotton has a significant
economic and environmental importance, and a remarkable polyploid
evolution. Current genetic studies indicate that genetic diversity
among elite cotton cultivars is low, reflecting the extreme and
repeated genetic bottlenecks cotton underwent during domestication.
Thus, the variability needed to continue enhancing current cultivated
cotton varieties, for yield or pest resistance, is becoming rarer.
Novel germplasm resources are required to fill the voids in current
commercial cotton breeding populations and enhance the progress
of cultivated cotton germplasm utilisation. Primary germplasm
pools represent the most readily accessible source of new alleles
for crop improvement, but when the most effective alleles are
not available in the primary germplasm pool, breeders must confront
the difficulties associated with introgressing genes from the
secondary and tertiary germplasm pools, in cotton, by using synthetic
polyploids as introgression bridges. I use alien chromosome addition
aneuploid mapping to determine alien linkage groups controlling
traits of interest, their effect and distribution in the alien
chromosome addition aneuploid lines genome. However, to be able
to compare genetic maps between and even within wild species the
comparative genetic maps should be developed. My major objective
is to produce comparative genetic maps using AFLP genetic markers.
Becerra-Lopez Lavalle LA and G Orjeda. 2002. Occurrence
and Cytological Mechanism of 2n Pollen Formation in a
Tetrapliod Accession of Ipomoea batatas (Sweet
Potato) (In Press, Journal of Heredity).
Becerra-Lopez Lavalle LA, JA Saleeba and BR Lyon. Molecular
Identification and Classification of fungi isolated from stem
tissue of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (In preparation).
Lyon BR, and LA Becerra-Lopez Lavalle. 2000. Molecular
diagnosis of fungal pathogens in cotton. Proceedings of the
10th Australian Cotton Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Lyon BR, M Akbari, LA Becerra-Lopez Lavalle, AE Cook,
S Kailasapillai, and KJ Lyon. 2000. DNA markers for resistance
to fungal diseases in cotton. Proceedings of the 10th Australian
Cotton Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Bruce R Lyon and Augusto Becerra-Lopez Lavalle. 2000.
Fast, accurate diagnosis of cotton fungal pathogens. Australian
Cotton Growers. January February: 24-28.
Becerra-Lopez Lavalle LA and BR Lyon. 2000. Molecular
Genetic Markers for Accelerated Selection of Fusarium Wilt-Resistant
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Poster session, Plant and
Animal Genome VIII Conference, San Diego, USA.
Mona Akbari, Raja Kota, Augusto Becerra-Lopez Lavalle,
and Bruce R. Lyon. 1998. Verticillium and Fusarium wilt of cotton:
Molecular genetic markers for disease resistance. Proceeding
of the 9th Australian Cotton Conference, Broadbeach, Australia.
Mona Akbari, Raja Kota, Augusto Becerra-Lopez Lavalle,
and Bruce R. Lyon. 1998. Verticillium and Fusarium wilt of cotton:
Molecular genetic markers for disease resistance. Poster session,
9th Australian Cotton Conference, Broadbeach, Australia.
Becerra-Lopez Lavalle A, Zhu Y and BR Lyon. 1996. Verticillium
and Fusarium wilt in cotton: Rapid assays for the identification
of disease resistant plants. Poster session. The 8th Australian
Cotton Conference, Broadbeach, Australia
spp. and Australian Native Cottons
Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. vasinfectum
Cotton Genome Mapping