Curt L. Brubaker
Senior Research Scientist
Ph.D., Iowa State University, USA, 1994

Phone (+61) 02 6246 5085
Fax: (+61) 02 6246 5000
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra ACT 2601
Plant Systematics and Evolution (with recent emphasis on
introgression, crop plant evolution, and comparative genome
Brown, A. H. D. and C. L. Brubaker. 2000. Genetics
and the conservation and use of Australian wild relatives
of crops. Australian Journal of Botany 48:297-303.
Brown, A. H. D. and C. L. Brubaker. 2002. Indicators
for sustainable management of plant genetic resources
How well are we doing. In J. Engels, A. H. D. Brown,
M. T. Jackson, and V. Ramanatha Rao [eds] Science and
Technology for Managing Plant Genetic Diversity. CAB
Brown, A. H. D., C. L. Brubaker and J. P. Grace.
1997. Regeneration of germplasm samples: wild versus cultivated
plant species. Crop Science 37:7-13.
Brown, A. H. D., C. L. Brubaker, and M. J. Kilby.
1997. Assessing the risk of cotton transgene escape into
wild Australian Gossypium species. In G. D. McLean,
P. M. Waterhouse, G. Evans, and M. J. Gibbs [eds] The
Commercialisation of Transgenic Crops: Risk, Benefit and
Trade Considerations [Proceedings of a workshop held in
Canberra Australia 11-13 March 1997], pp. 83-94. Cooperative
Research Centre for Plant Science and Bureau of Resource
Sciences, Canberra, Australia.
Brubaker, C. L. and J. F. Wendel. 2001. RFLP diversity
in cotton. In J. J. Jenkins and S. Saha [eds] Emerging
Technologies in Cotton Breeding, pp. 81-102. Science
Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA.
Brubaker, C. L. and J. F. Wendel. 1993. On the
specific status of Gossypium lanceolatum Todaro.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 40:165-170.
Brubaker, C. L. and J. F. Wendel. 1994. Reevaluating
the origin of domesticated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum;
Malvaceae) using nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphisms
(RFLPs). American Journal of Botany 81:1309-1326.
Brubaker, C. L., A. H. D. Brown, J. McD. Stewart,
M. J. Kilby, and J. P. Grace. 1999. Production of fertile
hybrid germplasm with diploid Australian Gossypium
species for cotton improvement. Euphytica 108:99-213.
Brubaker, C. L., A. H. Paterson and J. F. Wendel.
1999. Comparative mapping of allotetraploid cotton and
its diploid progenitors. Genome 42:184-203.
Brubaker, C. L., C. G. Benson, C. Miller and D.
N. Leach. 1996. Occurrence of terpenoid aldehydes and
lysigenous cavities in the 'glandless' seeds of Australian
Gossypium species. Australian Journal of Botany
Brubaker, C. L., F. M. Bourland and J. F. Wendel.
1999. The Origin and Domestication of Cotton. In C. W.
Smith and J. T. Cothren [eds]. Cotton: Origin, History,
Technology, and Production pp. 3-31. John Wiley &
Sons, New York, NY.
Brubaker, C. L., J. A. Koontz and J. F. Wendel.
1993. Bidirectional cytoplasmic and nuclear introgression
in the New World cottons, Gossypium barbadense and
G. hirsutum. American Journal of Botany 80:1203-1208.
Liu, B., C. L. Brubaker, G. Mergeai, R. C. Cronn,
and J. F. Wendel. 2001. Polyploid formation in cotton
is not accompanied by rapid genomic changes. Genome
Liu, Q., C. L. Brubaker, A. G. Green, D. R. Marshall,
P. Sharp, and S. P. Singh. 2001. Evolution of the FAD2-1
fatty acid desaturase 5' intron and the molecular systematics
of Gossypium (Malvaceae). American Journal of
Botany 88:92-102.
Reinisch, A., J. Dong, C. L. Brubaker, D. Stelly,
J. F. Wendel and A. H. Paterson. 1994. A detailed RFLP
map of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum x G. barbadense:
Chromosome organization in a disomic polyploid genome.
Genetics 138:829-847.
Seelanan, T., C. L. Brubaker, J. McD. Stewart,
L. A. Craven and J. F. Wendel. 1999. Molecular systematics
of Australian Gossypium section Grandicalyx
(Malvaceae). Systematic Botany 24:183-208
Wendel, J. F., C. L. Brubaker and A. E. Percival.
1992. Genetic diversity in Gossypium hirsutum and
the origin of Upland cotton. American Journal of Botany
Cotton Molecular Genetics
Fusarium spp. and Australian Native Cottons
Ecological Genetics of Endangered
Anna Monro PhD (Australian National University) Systematics
of the Australian Polygalaceae and Xanthophyllaceae
Bernard Pfeil PhD (Australian National University) Molecular
systematics of Australian Hibisceae (Malvaceae)