Staff Profiles

Jeremy J. Burdon FAA
Chief Research Scientist
Ph.D., Australian National University, Australia, 1976
Ph.D., honoris causa, Umeå University, Sweden, 1996

Phone (+61) 02 6246 5546
Fax: (+61) 02 6246 5249
E-mail: Jeremy.Burdon@csiro.au
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra ACT 2601
My research interests embrace a wide range
of coevolutionary interactions between plants and their fungal and
microbial pathogens and symbionts. Particular projects focus on:
coevolutionary interactions between host resistance and pathogen
virulence in a metapopulation context; the evolution of gene-for-gene
versus quantitative host resistance pathogen aggressiveness
systems; the generation and maintenance of variation in fungal pathogens;
the use of pathogens in biological control; threats posed by exotic
pathogens; host-pathogen interactions at the wild system-agriculture
interface; and evolutionary relationships in the Uredinales (rusts).
Work is carried out on a range of natural and crop host-pathogen
systems and involves collaborations with universities and other
research institutions in Australia, Africa, Europe and North America.
Burdon, J.J. (1997). The evolution of gene-for-gene
interactions in natural pathosystems. In The Gene-for-Gene
Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions, ed. I.R. Crute,
E.B. Holub and J.J. Burdon, pp. 245-262, CAB International:
Burdon, J.J. and Silk, J. (1997). Sources and patterns
of diversity in plant pathogenic fungi. Phytopathology,
87, 664-669.
Espiau, C., Riviere, D., Burdon, J.J., Gartner, S.,
Daclinat, B., Hasan, S. and Chaboudez, P. (1998). Host-pathogen
diversity in a wild system: Chondrilla juncea
Puccinia chondrillina. Oecologia, 113, 133-139.
Lafay B. and Burdon, J.J. (1998). Molecular diversity
of rhizobia occurring on native shrubby legumes in Southeastern
Australia. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 64,
Burdon, J.J., Thrall, P.H. and Brown, A.H.D. (1999).
Resistance and virulence structure in two Linum marginale
- Melampsora lini host-pathogen metapopulations with different
mating systems. Evolution, 53, 704-716.
Ericson, L., Burdon, J.J. and Müller, W.J. (1999).
Spatial and temporal dynamics of epidemics of the rust fungus
Uromyces valerianae on populations of its host, Valeriana
salina. Journal of Ecology,87, 649-658.
McDonald, B.A., Zhan, J. and Burdon, J.J. (1999). Genetic
structure of Rhynchosporium secalis in Australia. Phytopathology,
89, 639-645.
Park, R.F., Burdon, J.J. and Jahoor, A. (1999). Evidence
for somatic hybridisation in nature in Puccinia recondita
f. sp. tritici of wheat. Mycological Research,
103, 715-723.
Thrall, P.H. and Burdon, J.J. (1999). The spatial scale
of pathogen dispersal: consequences for disease dynamics and
persistence. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 1, 681-701.
Burdon, J.J., Gibson, A.H., Searle, S.D., Woods, M.
and Brockwell, J. (1999). Variation in the effectiveness of
symbiotic associations between native rhizobia and temperate
Australian Acacia - within species interactions. Journal
of Applied Ecology, 36, 398-408.
Burdon, J.J. and Thrall, P.H. (1999). Spatial and temporal
patterns in coevolving plant and pathogen associations. American
Naturalist, 153, S15-S33.
Burdon, J.J. and Thrall, P.H. (2000). Coevolution at
multiple spatial scales - from population to continent and beyond.
Evolutionary Ecology, 14, 261-281.
Thrall, P.H. and Burdon, J.J. (2000). Effect of resistance
variation in a natural plant host-pathogen metapopulation on
disease dynamics. Plant Pathology, 49, 767-773.
Thrall, P.H., Burdon, J.J. and Woods, M.J. (2000). Variation
in the effectiveness of symbiotic associations between native
rhizobia and temperate Australian legumes: interactions within
and between genera. Journal of Applied Ecology, 37, 52-65.
Burdon, J.J. and Thrall, P.H. (2001). The demography
and genetics of host-pathogen interactions. In: Integrating
ecology and evolution in a spatial context, eds Silvertown,
J. and Antonovics, J., in press, Oxford, Blackwell Science
Thrall, P.H., Burdon, J.J. and Young, A.G. (2001). Variation
in resistance and virulence among demes of a single host-pathogen
metapopulation. Journal of Ecology, 89, 736-748.
Thrall, P.H., Burdon, J.J. & Bock, C.H. (2001). Short-term
epidemic dynamics in the Cakile maritima Alternaria
brassicicola host-pathogen metapopulation association. Journal
of Ecology, 89, 723-735.
Lafay, B. & Burdon, J.J. (2001). Small-subunit rRNA
genotyping of rhizobia nodulating Australian Acacia spp.
Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 67, 396-402.
Thrall, P.H. and Burdon, J.J. (2002). Evolution of gene-for-gene
systems in metapopulations: the effect of spatial scale of host
and pathogen dispersal. Plant Pathology, 51, 169-184.
Burdon J.J., Thrall, P.H. and Lawrence, G.J. (2002).
Coevolutionary patterns in the Linum marginale Melampsora
lini association at a continental scale Canadian Journal
of Botany, 80, 288-296.
Ericson, L., Burdon, J.J. and Müller, W.J. (2002).
The rust pathogen Triphragmium ulmariae as a selective
force affecting its host, Filipendula ulmaria. Journal of
Ecology, 90, 167-178.
Evolution of Plant-Pathogen
Plant-Microbial Associations & Restoration
Biocontrol of Weeds
Origin & Maintenance of Variation in
Plant Pathogens
Ecological Risk Assessment of GMOs
Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. vasinfectum
Disease Risk Assessment
Ecosystem Restoration