Staff Profiles

Bo Wang
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Ph.D., The University of Queensland, Australia, 1999

Phone (+61) 02 6246 5205
Fax: (+61) 02 6246 5000
E-mail: Bo.Wang@csiro.au
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra ACT 2601
My research interests are soil microbiology, mycology, and plant
pathology. I am particularly interested in pathogen-host interactions
and disease managements. My current studies are focused on the diversity
of Fusarium spp. and the incidence of Fusarium wilt pathogens
associated with Australian native cottons.
Wang, B. and Jeffers, S. N. 2002. Effects of cultural practices
and temperature on Fusarium root and crown rot of container-grown
Hostas. Plant Disease 86: 225-231.
Geiser, D. M., Juba, J. H., Wang, B., and Jeffers, S. N. 2001.
Fusarium hostae sp. nov., a relative of F. redolens
with a Gibberella teleomorph. Mycologia 93: 670-678.
Wang, B. and Jeffers, S. N. 2000. Fusarium root and crown rot:
A disease of container-grown hostas. Plant Disease 84: 980-988.
Wang, B., Dale, M. L., and Kochman, J. K. 1999. Studies of
a pathogenicity assay for screening cotton germplasms for resistance
to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum in the
glasshouse. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 39:
Wang, B., Dale, M. L., Kochman, J. K., and Obst, N. R. 1999.
Effects of plant residue, soil characteristics, cotton cultivars
and other crops on Fusarium wilt of cotton in Australia. Australian
Journal of Experimental Agriculture 39: 203-209.
Wang, B., Dale, M. L., Kochman, J. K., Allen, S. J., and Obst,
N. R. 1999. Variations in soil population of Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. vasinfectum as influenced by fertiliser application
and growth of different crops. Australasian Plant Pathology
28: 174-181.
spp. and Australian native cottons
Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. vasinfectum