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The aim of the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) is to increase knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of Australia’s plant heritage by establishing, as an integrated resource, a national collection of living and herbarium specimens and photographs of Australian and related plants for study, interpretation, conservation and display.
The Gardens occupy 90 ha on the slopes of Black Mountain, Canberra, with an annexe of 80 ha in the Jervis Bay Territory on the New South Wales south coast.
Organisational Structure
The Gardens forms part of the Natural History Branch of the Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories (DASETT). The Bureau of Flora and Fauna (BFF) is also located at the Gardens. The component groups of the Natural History Branch will be amalgamated with the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (ANPWS) on 1 July 1990
The Gardens is organised into three units; Living Collections, Botany (Herbarium, Research, Library and Data Processing) and Visitor Services. Administrative support is supplied by Branch staff. The organisational
structure of the Gardens is noted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Organisational Structure of the Gardens
The ‘Botanical Bookshop’ and ‘Casuarinas Restaurant’ are operated under licence from the ANBG.
The average staffing level during the year was 73.4. At 30 June the staff
consisted of:
• 11 Professional staff;
• 20.5 Technical staff and Garden Overseers;
• 19.75 Administrative Service Officers; and
• 38 Horticultural and Trades staff.
Staff are listed in appendix 1.
The Gardens were allocated $1 282 000 for on-going operational expenditure, excluding wages and salaries, and $122 000 for the purchase of plant and equipment. The capital works program was allocated $500 000 and $250 000 was allocated for repairs and maintenance. The Gardens raised $42 000 in revenue over the year.
The ANBG received 380 000 visitors during the year of which 339 000 visited the Canberra gardens and 41 000 the Jervis Bay Annexe. Visitor statistics are listed in appendix 2.
Appointment Dr Roger Hnatiuk was appointed Director of the Gardens on 29 March of ANBG 1990. Dr Hnatiuk was formerly the head of the Flora Section of the Director Bureau of Flora and Fauna (BFF).
Reorganisation of the Gardens
The organisational structure of the Gardens was reviewed over the year and a new structure developed. Recruitment associated with the review began late in the financial year.
Osaka Gardening and Greenery Expo, Japan 1 April-30 September 1990
The Gardens assisted in the development of Australia’s exhibit by Gardening and selecting plants and supervising their shipment to Japan and their planting. Four staff travelled to Japan as part of the project. Up to 30 Japan June, the Australian exhibit was awarded a gold and silver medal for two species shown and several other awards for the contribution of the September exhibit to the Expo.
Major field trips were held to Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea to collect orchids to provide material to expand the Gardens’ research into orchid biology and taxonomy. About 1400 specimens were collected.
Rainforest Gully Interpretation and Boardwalk
A project aimed at interpreting the Rainforest Gully to visitors was completed, together with a new section of boardwalk through the Gully. The project was funded under a grant from the National Rainforest Conservation Program and was officially opened by the Secretary of DASETT, Mr Blunn, on 24 November.
Heritage Listing
The ANBG was placed on the interim list of the Register of the National Estate on 15 May. The importance of the Gardens’ role in the study and display of Australian plants was cited in the recommendation of the Heritage Commission.
Threatened Plants
Special funding through the World Wildlife Fund enabled extensive field trips through south eastern Australia to collect propagation material for the Gardens ex situ conservation program. Thirty-five species were added to the collection from the material gathered on the trips.
Relocation ofthe Natural History Branch
Staff from the BFF were relocated to the Gardens during the year Substantial reorganisation of staff and collection accommodation was completed and a building to house the Environment Resources Information Network (ERIN) was commenced.
Friends Association
At the close of the financial year, a steering committee was established to guide the formation of the ‘Friends of the ANBG’ association.
The site for the Gardens was recommended in 1935 by Dr B.T. Dickson in a report to the Department of the Interior. Development did not commence until after the Second World War. The first official recognition of the Gardens was on 12 September 1949 when Prime Minister Ben Chifley and the Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Sir Edward Salisbury planted the first trees.
Planning and planting continued throughout the 1950s after the land for the Gardens was resumed from a number of leaseholders who had been using much of the area for grazing. Dr Dickson’s 1935 report outlined the importance of incorporating the Australian flora into the Gardens and, with the widening community appreciation of the Australian flora in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Gardens adopted the policy of giving priority to Australian native plants.
The Gardens’ annexe at Jervis Bay on the New South Wales south coast was also developed over this period on a site selected in 1951 by the Superintendent of Parks and Gardens, Lindsay Pryor.
The scientific and educational resources of the Gardens were expanded over the 1 960s with the development, on the present Black Mountain site, of the Gardens’ Herbarium and Library in 1966, the Nursery and glasshouses in 1967 and the research laboratory in 1970.
The basis of the Gardens’ plantings were established in the 1950s’ and early 1960s’. Parts of the Gardens’ collections of Callitris, and the families Myrtaceae and Proteaceae were among the earliest plantings. Extensive development of the Rainforest Gully, one of the Gardens’ major attractions, was begun in 1968. The misting system in the Gully, which provided adequate water for the successful establishment of rainforest plants, was installed at this time.
The Gardens were officially opened by Prime Minister Gorton on 20 October 1970, although visitors had been admitted since 1967.
The Gardens’ particular research interest in the families Fabaceae (pea flowers) and Orchidaceae (orchids) was initiated in the mid 1970s and has continued to develop to the present day.
The provision of information, interpretation and education services for the public and special interest groups began in the late sixties with the production of a guide to the Gardens and the installation of large wooden interpretive signs. Ranger guided tours, the provision of propagation workshops for school children and the development of a regularly changing exhibition program were among the early initiatives of the Gardens’ staff.
The Gardens’ photograph collection was established in the late 1 960s and has grown into one of the largest collections of accurately named portraits of Australian plants and provides a photographic record of the development of the Gardens.
The process of development of the Gardens as a national scientific, educational, conservation and recreational resource continues with major initiatives in the areas of botanical data management, taxonomic and biological research and a special interest in the presentation of the Australian flora to the public.
The objectives of the Living Collections section are to maintain and develop the collections of living plants at the Gardens in Canberra and Jervis Bay, to provide the scientific labelling of plants and maintain the associated records, to plan and coordinate developments within the Gardens and to maintain and develop the Gardens’ buildings, irrigation system and other facilities.
The Living Collections unit maintains about 94 000 plants representing more than 5000 species. This represents about one third of the vascular plants recorded for Australia. Collections are held in open ground plantings, permanent pot collections and in glasshouses.
Summary of Holdings
Number of Taxa |
Number of Specimens |
Open Ground |
3 600 |
63 000 |
Permanent Pots |
1 800 |
5 000 |
Jervis Bay |
1 300 |
14 000 |
New Plantings
About 8000 additional plants were planted in the Gardens in Canberra and Jervis Bay during Spring and Autumn. Advanced plants from the glasshouses in Canberra were transferred to the Rainforest Gully at the Jervis Bay Annexe. New Proteaceae and Anigozanthos beds were also planted at the Annexe.
Rainforest Gully Boardwalk
A new boardwalk in the upper reaches of the Rainforest Gully in Canberra was completed, financed by a grant from the National Rain- forest Conservation Program. As part of the project an existing bridge was raised to provide access to a greater proportion of the Gully for people with disabilities.
Endangered Species
The Gardens, assisted by a grant from the World Wildlife Fund, collected 35 endangered species on field trips in south eastern Queensland, north-eastern New South Wales, central Victoria, southern South Australia and around the Sydney region. The collections further advance the Gardens’ ex situ conservation program with over 640 threatened species now established in cultivation.
Funding was received from the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service for the Gardens to hold a conference on ex situ plant conservation in March 1991.
Osaka Garden and Greenery Expo, Japan
The Gardens contributed to the Australian exhibit at the Expo by selecting plants, assisting in the design of the exhibit and supervising both the transfer of plants to Japan and the planting of the garden. Four staff members spent several weeks preparing the plants for transport and a further several weeks planting the garden in Japan. The Expo was opened at the site of the Australian exhibit by the Crown Prince of Japan on 30 March.
Mallee Eucalypts from Central and Western Australia
Planning and preliminary development began on an area to display mallee trees from central and western Australia. The replacement of soil with a sand—loam mix began and will continue into the next year. Over
80 species are being propagated in the Nursery for planting during 1990—1991.
Sydney Basin Flora
Landscape plans for the development of an area to display the flora of the Sydney Basin were prepared over the year. Design details for a viewing platform were drawn and work commenced on the development of an area to display Blandfordia species. Collecting trips were held in February for propagation material for this area.
Jervis Bay Annexe Developments
A development plan for the Jervis Bay Annexe was begun to better coordinate the provision of facilities and infrastructure for the Annexe. Emphasis was placed on developing strategies to address horticultural problems at the Annexe, upgrade existing facilities and for future planning. Design briefs were prepared for extensions to the carpark, construction of a potting shed and improvements to road drainage. New public toilets were constructed with access for people with disabilities.
Native Plant Release Scheme
The Gardens’ initial release of propagation material of seven species under the Native Plant Release Scheme was made to Bioflora Ltd, House Plants Australia Ltd and the Australian Societies for Growing Australian Plants. The Gardens and the Department of the Attorney General developed the legal framework for the Scheme.
Australian Cultivar Registration Authority
The Australian Cultivar Registration Authority Inc. (ACRA) was established to register cultivars derived from the Australian flora. Twenty new cultivars were registered over the year. Members of the ACRA and cultivars registered over the year are listed in appendix 3.
Donation of Plants
Donations of plants, cuttings and seed were made to 26 kindred institutions and donations of propagation material were received from individuals and institutions. A list of donations is included in appendix 4.
• A major reorganisation of the glasshouse collections was undertaken to improve horticultural care of these collections and provide space for the Gardens’ expanding orchid collection.
• A joint project with the Banksia Centre staff to redevelop a section for the planting of annual displays by people with disabilities was initiated.
• The Gardens provided practical instruction in propagation techniques for staff from the Norfolk Island Botanic Gardens as a cooperative venture with the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (ANPWS). Sixteen new species were also collected and brought into cultivation.
• The Gardens propagated 1000 plants for the Jervis Bay Nature Reserve under contract to the Territories Branch of DASETT.
• New ADP equipment was installed to improve the effectiveness of plant records within the Gardens. Stocktake of large proportions of the living collections at Canberra and Jervis Bay were made.
• New bridges were constructed as part of the ‘Blue Arrow Walk’ in Canberra allowing the walk to be rerouted off main roads.
Works to improve glasshouse temperature controls, to humidify a glasshouse for tropical collections and to provide a demountable building for the Research group were completed.
• Design briefs for automatic doors for the Visitor Information Centre, extensions to the carpark in Canberra, an area to display Tasmanian plants, a trades and services centre, improved Herbarium and research facilities and an orchid display house were initiated.
• Work continued on the development of a grassland and woodland section near the main entrance to the Gardens.
Participationin National and International Forums
Staff from the section participated in the International Plant Propagators in National Conferences in July 1989 and June 1990, the IUCN Conservation of Threatened Species Conference in December and the Society for GrowInternational ing Australian Plants Conference in January. Details of conference participation are listed in appendix 5.
The herbarium collections form part of the Botany section, which also covers taxonomic, systematic and biological research, the data processing unit and day-to-day management of the library.
The herbarium has a policy of planned acquisition and curation of scientific specimens of all groups of plants relevant to the Australasian and related floras, with a geographic emphasis on all regions of the Australian continent and Australian administered territories and includes the largest collection of non-vascular plants in Australasia. Priority is given to areas that are poorly known botanically or under threat.
The herbarium collections form the basis for the scientific documentation and authentication of the plants grown in the Gardens. Major working visitors to the herbarium are listed in appendix 6.
Summary of Herbarium Holdings
Specimens |
Types |
Vascular plants |
135 438 |
268 |
Pteridophytes |
6 100 |
16 |
Phanerogams |
129 338 |
252 |
Cryptogams |
66 323 |
227 |
Mosses |
32 782 |
19 |
Liverworts |
14 082 |
33 |
Lichens |
17703 |
171 |
Fungi |
1 603 |
4 |
Algae |
153 |
nil |
Totals |
201 761 |
495 |
Herbarium Management
The following is a summary of activity during 1989—90:
Consignments sent 243
Consignments received 199
Vascular plants |
Cryptogams |
accessioned |
6 238 |
7 125 |
collected 1989—90 |
479 |
2 500 |
replicates sent |
2 023 |
7 438 |
loans received |
223 |
2 826 |
specimens incorporated |
6 134 |
7 125 |
Curatorial Activity
Over the year extra-Australian vascular plant material was incorporated into the main collection and identified by distinct blue folders among the buff manilla folders of the Australian material. A similar colour coding scheme was used in the cryptogamic collections. The entire vascular collection was also moved within its shelving units to make more efficient use of available space.
Part of the collections were moved during the year to provide accommodation for the staff of the Flora Section of the BFF. As a result of the reorganisation mosses are now all housed in one room.
The herbarium continued a process of application and reapplication of current taxonomic revisions to the collections, but now this takes place in conjunction with entering specimen data and updating taxonomic information in the database. The first genus to be treated was Leptospermum
Several large loans, including Acacia, Zieria and the Daviesia latifolia group were returned to other institutions after studies on them were completed. Large loans of the ANBG collections of Brachyscome, Cassinia, Hakea, Hibbertia, Zieria, part of Rubiaceae, Fissidens, Lecanora, Coccocarpia, Hypopterygiaceae and Lembophyllaceae were sent to other institutions for study.
All outstanding loans from the ANBG have been entered on the database for monitoring.
HonoraryAssociates, Collectors and Volunteers
Honorary associates, collectors and volunteers contributed to the operaAssociates, tion of the herbarium by donating specimens and assisting with work on the collections. A full list of honorary associates, collectors and Volunteers volunteers is included in appendix 7.
Participation in National and International Forums
Staff were involved in the Symposium of the Taxonomic Databases Working Group in Las Palmas, Spain, the Conference in Tropical Bryology in St Louis, USA, the 40th meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, USA, the Australian Lichenological Conference in Booral, NSW and the Council of Heads of Australian Herbaria in Canberra, ACT. Full details are listed in appendix 4.
The Gardens’ photograph collection holds photographs of the Australian flora, a representative range of vegetation types and pictorial records of developments at the ANBG. Use of the collection by researchers, students and publishers is encouraged
The photograph collection includes 19 935 thirty-five mm slides of which 8214 are habit or close-up photos of Australian plants, 5347 are field trip records and 6374 are lecture slides and records of the Gardens’ development.
During the year 177 duplicates of slides were supplied to publishers for reproduction and a further 478 were used by staff for lectures and associated activities.
Records of named plants, their habit and habitat and photographic information continued to be added to the Gardens’ database. About 25 per cent of these photographs are entered onto the database with the remainder accessed via index cards.
Donation of Photographs
The first major donation to the collection, consisting of over 4000 slides Photographs of Western Australian plants, was made during the year by Mrs E. Humphreys. A small proportion of these were entered onto the Gardens’ database by the close of the year.
he Gardens and the Department of the Attorney-General developed the legal framework for the formal donation, by members of the community, of slides and their copyright to the Gardens during the year.
Major Collecting Trips
The Botany and Living Collections Sections undertake combined field Collecting trips to collect material for planting and for herbarium specimens. The close association between the living and preserved collections is fundamental to botanical activity at the ANBG
The close association between the living and preserved collections is fundamental to botanical activity at the ANBG and the majority of field trips are combined activities between the Living Collections and Botany Sections.
• As part of the Gardens’ ex situ conservation program, collecting trips were made throughout south-eastern Queensland, north-eastern NSW, central Victoria and southern South Australia for endangered species. Thirtyfive species were collected. The trip to Victoria and South Australia was sponsored in part by a grant from the World Wildlife Fund ( Australia).
• As part of the Gardens’ research program into orchids, field trips were undertaken to Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea.
• Collecting sites for the Papua New Guinea trip were primarily selected to match historical German collecting localities in order to collect specimens to match those destroyed in the bombing of the Berlin herbarium in WWII. The genera Apostasia and Niewiedia and other taxa related to Australian orchids were of special interest. About 1500 collections were made representing about 4000 plants. The trip was sponsored in part by the Christiensen Institute (Madang, PNG)
• The trips to Vanuatu and New Caledonia were made (in conjunction with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney) to collect specimens for systematic and taxonomic study. One hundred and ninety six specimens were collected. The trip was sponsored in part by the Australian Orchid Foundation.
• Living material for propagation at the Gardens and distribution to other temperate botanic gardens was collected from Macquarie Island. About 20 species were collected. Plants propagated from this trip are being grown in cool conditions in growth cabinets at the Australian National University, until facilities are available at the Gardens. The trip was sponsored by the Antarctic Division of DASETT.
• Extensive cryptogamic collections were made in the Barrington Tops area of New South Wales and the Errinundra region of Victoria in conjunction with Australian National University staff.
Full details of collecting trips conducted throughout the year are listed in appendix 8.
Scientific research at the Gardens is undertaken primarily by members of the Botany Section, which is responsible for the structured research program into the taxonomic, systematic and biological problems of the Australian and related floras. Scientific research and the development and use of herbarium collections are intimately related. The focus of systematic research is the legumes, the orchids and the mosses.
Family Orchidaceae
Considerable progress was made on clarifying the taxonomy of the Orchidaceae orchid genera Diuris, Pterostylis and Chiloglottis for the Flora of Australia project, including descriptions of several new taxa. This study was supported by extensive field work in NSW and visits to the State herbaria in Melbourne and Adelaide.
Work on the redefinition of the Genoplesium complex was also published and descriptions of new taxa are in progress. These projects and work on other orchid genera account for 75% of the Orchid treatment for the Flora of Australia series.
Studies on the type specimens of Australian orchids were completed and published. The results of this study will also be placed on a database for use within the ANBG and nationally.
Studies on the phylogeny of the Australian Orchidaceae continued with preliminary analyses of the family at subfamily level and an assessment of the subtribe Dendrobiinae. Major field work was undertaken in Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea to gather living material of related taxa for use in this study.
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney also made available 56 orchid species for use in taxonomic studies.
Electrophoretic techniques for the isoenzyme analysis of orchid taxa using leaf material (rather than the conventional pollen) were developed for use in taxonomic studies.
Family Fabaceae
Taxonomic studies on the genus Daviesia continued with the revision of the D. latifolia group, which includes sixteen species, and the submission of a manuscript for publication. Studies included a cladistic analysis of the whole group, a phenetic analysis of the D. mimosoides species complex, and a study of a hybrid zone between D. leptophylla and D. mimosoides. An earlier paper revising the D. squarrosa group was accepted for publication.
Cladistic analyses of the bird-pollinated genera Brachysema and Leptosema were carried out and a newly discovered taxon of Leptosema from Western Australia identified. The main text (descriptions) and illustrations for a monograph on Chorizema were completed.
Flora Treatments
Collaborative research into the supra-generic phylogeny of the legumes continued. These studies will form the nucleus of the Third International Legume Conference at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, 1992. A full list of collaborative research programs are included in appendix 9.
A number of treatments were prepared for the Flora of Australia, extensive contributions were made for Volume 2 (Hernandiaceae), Volume 5 (Plumbaginaceae) and Volume 50 ( Oceanic Islands). Revision of the genus Rupicola for use in the Flora of New South Wales and Sicyos for the Manual of the Flowering Plants of the Hawaiian Islands were also completed
Cryptogamic Research
Taxonomic studies on the moss family Meteoriaceae continued. Heinar Streimann, the curator of the cryptogamic collection, was awarded the degree of MSc from the University of New South Wales for his thesis on the Meteoriaceae. A revision of the Australian species of Papillaria was submitted for publication.
A list of scientific and general publications by ANBG staff is included an appendix 10.
Other activities
• The Census of Australian Vascular Plants was completed during the year and the manuscript was presented, in the form of a computer data file, to the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) for publication.
• A revision of the genus Eremaea (Myrtaceae) continued and ‘DELTA’ descriptions of all taxa were compiled.
• Major analyses of the isoenzymes of problem populations of Zieria (Rutaceae) and Hibiscus insularis (Malvaceae) were completed and the results prepared for publication.
• Work continued on the development of techniques for the tissue culture of Australian plants
The objective of the Visitor Services group is to encourage people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to enjoy, learn about and understand the national collections of the Gardens and Australia’s plant heritage, through appropriate promotion, education, interpretation, publications and exhibitions.
Promoting the Gardens
Over the year the Gardens received about 380 000 visitors. Major Gardens promotional activities included the preparation and distribution of a new promotional leaflet, participation in the ‘Canberra Passport’ promotion as part of the National Capital Attractions Association and a programme of radio and newspaper advertising. A promotional display was used in several travel shows in Sydney. Gardens’ staff were also involved in promoting the Gardens through radio interviews, public addresses and articles in popular magazines and journals.
Visitor Information Centre
The Gardens Visitor Information Centre in Canberra provided a seven day-a-week service for visitors with dissemination of information on Gardens’ facilities and areas of special interest and providing the initial referral point for horticultural and botanical enquiries. About 143 000 visitors were recorded in the Centre over the year representing about 40 per cent of visitors to the Gardens in Canberra.
Rainforest Gully Interpretation
The design manufacture and installation of interpretive signs and environment monitoring stations in the Rainforest Gully was completed. The signs incorporated full colour photographs printed onto aluminium, using a fade resistant process. The project was sponsored by the National Rainforest Conservation Program.
Botanic Gardens Video A 10 minute video to introduce visitors to the Gardens and for use in promotions was produced by Film Australia in conjunction with Gardens staff. The video was first screened to the public in May 1990.
Information Centre Displays
A major display ‘Proteaceae—the great southern family’ was produced for the Information Centre and opened to the public in November. It replaced ‘Rainforest—a world of difference’ which was on display from December 1988. Several small displays on issues of topical interest, or to promote native plants or areas of interest in the Gardens were produced. These included displays on wattle week, Christmas plants, daisies and ferns.
Extension of Education and Public Relations Activities
Late in the year recruitment of staff to extend education and public relations activities was completed. Planning for programs including in service activities, education materials and the establishment of a ‘Friends of the ANBG’ Association were initiated.
Therapeutic Horticulture
The Banksia Centre, the Gardens’ therapeutic horticulture facility, provided programs for people with physical and intellectual disabilities and for people undergoing rehabilitation. A special project involved intellectually disabled students from the Koomarri School in raising plants and planting an annuals display at the Gardens. The Centre provided advice on the establishment of a ‘No Steps Trail’ to improve access to the Gardens. About 1900 contact hours were made by staff with clients at the Centre over the year.
Therapeutic Horticulture Workshops and Seminars
Workshops on horticultural therapy were given to staff at Grovelly TAFE, Queensland, and assistance was provided for a number of local and interstate institutions. A seminar, ‘Landscape Design—Equal Access for All’, was hosted by staff in September.
Newsletters A weekly newsletter, In Flower This Week, was produced by a volunteer with approximately 8000 copies distributed to visitors. Volunteers are listed in appendix 7. Two newsletters were distributed to people interested in the formation of the ‘Friends of the ANBG’ association. About 300 people are included on the mailing list.
Assistance was provided for about 1200 students and their teachers by the Education Service in the period from May until the end of the year.
• Interpretive signs to up-date and extend the Gardens Aboriginal Trail were manufactured and installed. The signs were prepared following expert advice from Monash University, Victoria.
• Assistance was provided to the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service to set up the Minnamurra Rainforest Centre in Budderoo National Park.
• A travelling display was constructed for promotional use,
• Three Gardens’ brochures were updated or reprinted throughout the year and a Review of Activities from the previous financial year was published and distributed.
• Preliminary graphic design work for a new style of Gardens brochures was completed.
The objective of the ANBG library is to supply the institution with information necessary to meet its objectives and function efficiently, anticipating and responding to its needs.
This is achieved by the acquisition and management of reference literature, information material and services of a technical and popular botanical and horticultural nature. Library services are available to all sections of the ANBG, the environment portfolio, commonwealth, state and international agencies, research and education institutions and interested members of the public.
The library formed part of the Botany section of the Gardens with day- today management by a librarian from the Corporate Management Division of DASETT. Part-time clerical assistance was provided by Natural History Branch staff and additional professional and technical assistance and support services were provided by staff of the DASETT library. The library staff is to be transferred with the Gardens when it merges with ANPWS.
Summary of Library Holdings
Monographs c. 5500
Maps c. 6100 sheets
Serials c. 700 titles
Microfiche c. 2200 sheets
Summary of activities
Items catalogued 462
Items acquired 1210 (paid and exchange)
Loans 1163
Inter library loans 415
Reference requests 1875 (including 391 advanced reference enquiries)
Accommodation Changes .
During the year the accommodation of the library was altered substanbtially and floor space was reduced to help accommodate the Flora Section in the Botany building. Reorganisation also allowed the storage of the reference collection of the Flora Section in the library.
Catalogue and Information Systems
Computer workstations were installed in the Library improving access to the online catalogue and providing word processing and data entry facilities.
Map Collection
The map collection was expanded over the year and the whole collection was reorganized in the vertical map cabinets.
Mailing Lists
The ANBG publications mailing list was expanded (c. 750 addresses) resulting in the library increasing its holdings of foreign language titles. The ANBG Periodical Exchange System (APES) was used to prepare the publication of Journals held in the Library 1990.
Current Awareness Bulletin
The library produced a Current Awareness Bulletin of new library acquisitions on a regular basis.
Major Acquisition
Limited edition volumes of The Banksias by Celia Rosser and Alex Acquisition George, together with a portfolio of illustrations were purchased from funds generated by commercial activities of the ANBG. The books will be displayed on special occasions and the portfolios will be mounted and framed for rotational display.
Substantial donations of books and photocopied information were received through the year. A list of donations is listed in appendix 4.
Other activities
• The librarian participated with the Dasett Library staff in a Participative Work Design program and DASETT library meetings and attended a demonstration of the DATATREK automated circulation system.
• Rare and historic items were placed in secure storage
The implementation of the Gardens’ Integrated Botanical Information System (IBIS) commenced during the year.
The role of IBIS is to capture, store and make available in a concise form all types of botanical information relevant to the functions and management of the ANBG. This includes taxonomic, nomenclatural, specimen, photographic, propagation, horticultural, descriptive, historical, geographic, bibliographic and biographic information relevant to the Australian and regional floras, as well as specimen research and management information.
Hardware Development
The ANBG’s Sun computer was upgraded twice during the year. The disk capacity was increased to 1800 megabytes to allow for increased volumes of data, software and a development copy of the database. The number of terminals was doubled to allow all areas of the Gardens to be covered and a multibin Postscript laser printer was purchased to enable more efficient generation of specimen labels. Five additional 286 microcomputers were purchased to give most areas of the Gardens access to word-processing and other computing facilities.
Two additional Apple Macintosh personal computers, including a Macintosh II with a large text-editing screen, were installed in the Visitor Services section. An Apple Scanner was also added to the network to capture graphic images in digital form.
Network communications were established between the central Sun system and the Public Programs Building, the Visitor Information Centre, the Administration Building and the Jervis Bay Annexe.
Database Development
Herbarium specimen, photographic and living-plant data were transferred from the Department of Territories onto the ANBG Sun computer (running the Oracle relational database) and was made available to users at the beginning of the financial year. Most areas of the Gardens were provided with access facilities similar to the old system with some modifications and improvements in validation, output and processing speed
Refinements were made to the living collections stock control system and the herbarium database was transferred to IBIS. Printed output was designed to prepare vascular plant herbarium labels and cryptogam packets directly from the IBIS database, complete with barcode accession numbers. Barcodes are to be used throughout the herbarium and living collections to increase the efficiency of data capture and handling.
To improve consistency and compatibility of data between Australian herbaria and botanical institutions the ANBG ran a workshop, Herbarium Interchange Standards and Protocols for the Interchange of Data (HISPID), using financial support from ABRS. The workshop agreed on a wide range of data structures and formats describing herbarium specimens and a draft data dictionary was prepared to assist herbaria in establishing and modifying their data structures to approximate interchange standards.
Data Capture
Herbarium label information was progressively captured throughout the year. All newly acquired material was accessioned and entered together with information from all outgoing and returned loans. Labels from all the ‘type’ collections and specimens of those species with a known rare or threatened status were entered
In the last half of the financial year seasonal staff were employed to capture label data of particular plant groups of strategic interest to the ANBG. These were the large groups of the Fabaceae, Orchidaceae and the mosses, taxa of the ANBG’s research focus.
To date approximately 35 000 specimens have been entered onto the IBIS database, or approximately 17 per cent of the preserved specimen collection. The remaining specimens represent about 15 person years of data entry to complete the project.
Herbarium labels such as this are generated using information from the Integrated Botanical Information System (IBIS). The bar-coding on the label may be used in future curation of the herbarium collections. |
![]() |
Records of the living plant collection continued to be added to the database and improvements were made to the format of the records. Information from the named plant holdings of the photograph collection was progressively entered onto the database, together with new acquisitions.
Location Master File
The ANBG purchased a copy of the Australian Land Information Group Master File Master Name File, an electronic gazeteer for inclusion in the IBIS database to aid the fixing of specimen collection localities.
Census of Australian Vascular Plants
The IBIS database was structured to accept the taxon and distribution Australian data from the Census of Australian Vascular Plants, a list of c. 20 000 plant names currently accepted in Australia. The census was initially Plants compiled as an ABRS project. The ANBG is now the custodian of this data and will be maintaining it as part of its normal operations, linking it with its own taxonomic data and enhancing it with data for other groups of plants.
Preparations are being made for IBIS to accept a much larger ABRS data set, the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), a list of c. 60 000 records of all validly published names of Australian vascular plants. After publication, the ANBG will assume custodianship for this data set and link it to IBIS taxonomic data.
Roger Hnatiuk
Project Office
Rohan McElwee (to February 1990)
Alan Bray (from April 1990)*
George Brandt
Senior Administrative Officer
Dorothy Old
Administrative Officer
Marre Miller
Purchasing Clerk
Kelly Scattergood
Switchboard Operator
Lynn Hughes
Ros Saunders
Sito Gonzales*
Curator, Living Collections
Mark Richardson
Planting Officer
Geoff Butler
Assistant Planting Officer
Lyn Meredith
Overseer (Plant Records)
Ruth Hallett
Plant Records Staff
Ross Hyland
John Nightingale
Paul Segal
Senior Development Officer
Leslie Lockwood
Planning Officer
Peter Schumack
Development Unit Staff
Peter St Clair*
Ingrid Adler*
Clerk of Works
Bob Woodhams
David Hinchciffe
Romeo Romat
Trades Assistant
Robin Hinchcliffe
Supervisor (Horticultural Maintenance)
Stuart Donaldson
Overseers (Horticultural Maintenance)
Jim Hewat
John Treloar
Horticultural Staff
Barbara Arnott*
Tony Barbaro
Nazzarino Bono
Mario Catanzariti
Terry Conway
Gino Corsini
Adrian Gallman
Greg Flowers
Paul Hewat
Philip Hurle
Mario Russo
Vince Russo
Nick Sammons
Greg Small
Ken Smith*
Oscar Zamora*
Plant Operators
Dominic Catanzariti
Greg Sattler
Supervisor (Nursery)
Barrie Hadlow
Overseer (Propagation)
Tim Mulcahy
Overseer (Glasshouses)
Paul Ziesing
Nursery Staff
Sue Bonjer*
Paul Carmen
Keith Edwards
Lenore Hodge
Stigh Petersen*
Ron Phillips
Manager, Jervis Bay
Fred Howe
Overseer, Jervis Bay
Rebecca Rudd
Gardeners, Jervis Bay
Kevin Dickson*
Ian McLeod*
Jimmy McLeod
Max McLeod
Bruce Rafferty
Plant Operator, Jervis Bay
Phillip McLeod
Assistant Director, Botany
Jim Croft
Estelle Canning
Heinar Streimann
Research Scientists
Mark Clements
Michael Crisp
David Jones
Ish Sharma
Herbarium and Research Technicians
Grant Allen*
Barbara Barnsley*
Kate Beckett*
Jane Belfrage*
Stephanie Bourke*
Lindi Bowen*
Corinna Broers
Colleen Casey*
Faye Davies
Warren Ganter*
Marion Garrett*
Libby Gotham*
Helen Hadobas
Marcia Hayes*
Peter Ivanovski*
Andrew Lyne
Stuart Reid*
Joan Taylor
Ian Telford
Database Manager
Greg Whitbread
Sara York
Betty Collins (to May 1990)
Catherine Jordan (from May 1990)
Assistant Director, Visitor Services
Murray Fagg
Photograph Curator
Jan Wilson
Education Officer
Julie Foster
Therapeutic Horticulture Officer
John Pike
Therapeutic Horticulture Assistant
Marianne Trail
Reg Taylor
John Jervis
Kurt Thaler
Public Relations Officer
Anne Joyce
Information Officers
May Brett
Wendy Dossetor
Interpretation Officer
Rodney Harvey
Display Officer
Ron Hotchkiss
*Temporary Staff
About 339 000 visitors were recorded at the ANBG ( Canberra) during the year and 41 000 at the Jervis Bay Annexe. A total of 380 000 visitors were recorded overall. Monthly statistics are shown below.
Dr B. Wallace (Chair)
Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
Mr M. Richardson (Secretary)
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Mr G. Butler (Registrar)
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Australian Nursery Industry Association
(One representative)
Australian Institute of Horticulture
(Federal Council—one representative)
Mr G. Brown
Darwin Botanic Gardens
Prof T. Clifford
University of Queensland
Dr L. Haegi
Botanic Garden of Adelaide
Mr D. Hocking
Dr R. Johnson
Queensland Herbarium
Mr R. McKinnon
Mt Coo-tha Botanic Gardens
Mr A. May
Royal Tasmanian Botanic Gardens
Mr R. Page
Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Mr W. Payne
Society for Growing Australian Plants (NSW), Publishing Section
Dr R. Spencer
Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne
Mr J. Wrigley AM
Coffs Harbour
Dr P. Wycherly OBE
Kings Park and Botanic Garden
Cultivars registered in 1989-90
Cultivar Submitted by
Agonis flexuosa ‘Renmark Delight’ R. Horler, Renmark, SA
Anigozanthos ‘Bushranger’ Biotech Plants, Somersby, NSW
Anigozanthos ‘Regal Claw’ S. Hopper, Wanneroo, WA
Anigozanthos ‘Unity’ K. Oliver, Wilson, WA
Brachyscome multifida ‘White Surprise’ A. Menzies, Kenthurst, NSW
Callistenion ‘Demesne Rowena’ H. Infield, Coomba Park, NSW
Ceratopetalum gummiferum R. Brown, Bulli, NSW
‘Magenta Star’
Chamelaucium uncinatum ‘Murfit G. & M. Murfit, Geraldton, WA
Correa pulchella ‘Pink Mist’ P. Rawlings, St Agnes, SA
Grevillea ‘Bairnsdale’ Bairnsdale Horticulural Society,
Bairnsdale, Vic.
Grevillea ‘Cherry Brandy’ D. Burke, Kenthurst, NSW
Grevillea ‘Poorinda Ensign’ L. Hodge, Corryong, Vic.
Grevillea ‘Poorinda Joyce’ L. Hodge, Corryong, Vic.
Leptospermum continentale ‘Hori- Austraflora Nurseries, Montrose,Vic.
Leplospermum flavescens ‘Pacific R. Davidson, Southport, Qid
Pandorea jasminoides ‘Charisma’ Harts Nursery, Rochdale, Qld
Prostanthera lasianthos ‘Mint Ice’ G. Downe, Narrewarren North, Vic,
Thryptomene saxicola ‘Mingenew’ W. & G. Elliot, Montrose, Vic.
Westringia ‘Poorinda Pavane’ L. Hodge, Corryong, Vic.
Westringia ‘Wynyabbie Gem’ F. Hocking, Warell Heights, Qld
Field Work
Sponsor Project
Australian Orchid Foundation Part sponsorship of collecting trips to Vanuatu and New Caledonia
Antarctic Division, DASETT Part sponsorship of collecting trip to Macquarie Island
World Wildlife Fund Part sponsorship of collecting trip for rare and endangered species in SW
Victoria and South Australia
ANPWS Propagation of endangered plants from Norfolk Island
Christiensen Institute, PNG Part sponsorship of collecting trip to PNG
Sponsor Conference
ANPWS, Endangered species Unit Part sponsorship of an ex situ conservation conference, to be held in 1993
Library Materials
Donor Type of Material
Count L. Bernadotte Books
M. Crisp Books, Serials
J. Croft Botanical reprints & photocopies
R. Hnatiuk Books, serials
Missouri Botanic Gardens Books
Estate of O. St John Kent Books
H. Streimann Books
P. Marshall Books (signed copy)
SGAP Nowra Books for Jervis Bay Annexe
Live Plants and Propagation Material (see also appendix 7)
Donor Recipient/Type of material
Australian National ANU, Canberra, ACT— plant Botanic Gardens material for teaching
Botanic Gardens purposes
Horticulture School, ACT
TAFE—plant material for teaching purposes
.L H. Bailey Hortorium, New York, USA—seed
Regensburg Botanic Gardens, Germany—seed
Mr N. Lothian—Eucalyptus spp seed
Mt Annan Botanic Gardens, Sydney, NSW—cultivar cuttings,
tropical species and other cutting material
Mr A G Dixa, Switzerland— Bursaria spinosa specimens
Nowra High School, NSW—seed
Dr G Betto, Rome, Italy—seed
Conservation Endowment Fund, California, USA—seed
Ubersee University, Germany— Acacia pycnantha seed
Greening Australia, ACT—seed
Dr M Leishman, Macquarie University, NSW—seed
Royal Zoological Gardens, Melbourne, Vic—seed of endangered speèies
NSW Forestry Commission, Narrandera—seed
University of Reading, UK—seed of Kennedia spp and other species
Botanic Gardens of Barcelona, Spain—seed
H. Zaden, Netherlands—Ptilotis seed
Ministry of Agriculture, UK— Asteraceae seed
INRA Laboratories, Nancy, France—Psosalea parva seed
University of Koln Botanic Garden, German y—Tasmannia lanceolata s seed
Botanic Garden, Freiburg, Germany -seed
National Botanic Gardens, Harare, Zimbabwe—seed
M. Iwatsuji, Osaka, Japan— Helichrysum seed
North Coast Agriculture Institute, NSW Dep’t of Agriculture— samples of Melaleuca linariifolia
Royal Botanic Gardens, Hobart, Tas—plants of Tasmanian species
Burrendong Arboretum, NSW— propagation material of various species
Biotech Plants Anigozanthos plants
Mr L. Bird Seed (18 collections)
Mr R. Brown Ceratopetalum apetalum
Mr R. Burns Cuttings and seed (61 collections)
Mr F. Grossbechler conifer seed
Ms L. Guilfedder Sagina sp nov. Oreoporanthera petalifera
Ms J. Hauser Brachychiton species (Upper Ormeau,Qld)
Mr J Hicks & Ms M Christian Seed of Wikstroemia australis ( Norfolk Island)
Jervis Bay Community Ceratopetalum cultivar
Mr P. Ollerenshaw Cuttings (east Gippsland)
Mr L. Thompson & Mr G.Moran Grevillea sp aff miqueliana
Mr T. Woodburn (CSIRO) Rhaponticum australis
Herbarium Specimens
Donor Specimens
Mr J. Croft Australian and overseas species
Mr H. Lepp Australian species
Donor Description
Mrs E Humphreys An extensive collection of photographs mainly of Western Australian plants and landscapes.
Photographs by Mrs E. Humphreys and the late Mr F. Humphreys.
Forum Staff Involved
International Plant Propagators Conference, B. Hadlow
International Plant Propagators Conference, P. Carmen
Society for Growing Australian Plants J. Treloar
Conference Hobart
IUCN Conservation of Threatened Species L. Meredith
Conference, Sydney M. Richardson
Symposium of the Taxonomic Databases R. Hnatiuk
Working Group, Las Palma, Spain
Conference of Tropical Bryology, St Louis, USA H. Streimann
Fortieth meeting of the American Institute of H. Streimann
Biological Sciences, USA
Council of Heads of Australian Herbaria, J. Croft
Australasian Lichenological Conference, Booral, J. Curnow
NSW H. Streimann
CONCOM working group on endangered R. Hnatiuk
species, Canberra
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, R. Hnatiuk
Working Group III: Response Strategies, Geneva,
Inaugural meeting of the Heads of Australian R. Hnatiuk
Botanic gardens, Adelaide, SA
Workshop on fungi treatments for the Flora of Australia, Canberra H. Streimann
Workshop on numerical biogeography, Sydney M. Crisp
Research Seminars
Seminar on the classification of Australian Orchidaceae, Canberra D. Jones (lecturer
Major Training Courses
Course Staff Involved
ORACLE data base design training course J. Croft
G. Whitbread
Herbarium curation and management F. Davies
techniques training course, Adelaide, SA A. Lyne
H. Hadobas
J. Curnow
Vascular Plants
Laurie Adams, CSIRO, Canberra (Acacia)
Jim Armstrong, Herbarium of Western Australia (Zieria, Rutaceae)
Barbara Barnsley, Canberra (Northern Territory Collections)
John Briggs, CSIRO Canberra (Threatened Plants, Dillwynia)
Ian Brooker, CSIRO Canberra (Eucalyptus)
Jeremy Bruhl, ANU, Canberra (Cyperaceae)
Jenny Chappill, University of Melbourne (Legume systematics)
Bob Chinnock, State Herbarium of South Australia (Pteridophytes, Myoporaceae)
Lyn Craven, CSIRO, Canberra (Myrtaceae)
Isobel Crawford, Canberra (ACT regional collections)
Brian Davis, CSIRO Forestry, Canberra (Backhousia)
Jeff & Jane Doyle, Bailey Hortorium, New York (Legumes)
Jane Easthope, ACS Canberra (Norfolk Island grasses)
Phil Gilmour, Canberra (ACT flora, Norfolk Island Flora, Lauraceae)
Karl Gingulis, ANU Canberra (Astrotricha)
Stephen Harris, Tasmanian Parks, Wildlife & Heritage (rare Fabaceae)
Murray Henwood, ANU, Canberra (Australopyrum)
Don Foreman, National Herbarium of Victoria (herbarium databases)
Helen Fortune Hopkins, University of Papua New Guinea (herbarium management)
Neville Howcroft, Forest Research Institute, Papua New Guinea (Orchidaceae)
Hans Jessen, Bidstrup Skovdistrikt, Denmark
Peter Jobson, James Cook University, Queensland (Acrotriche)
Tricia Kay, CSIRO Canberra (herbarium databases)
Greg Keighery, Western Australian Herbarium (Rubiaceae, Liliaceae)
Paul Kores, Tulane University, Louisiana, USA (Acianthus and other Orchidaceae)
Greg Leach, Northern Territory Herbarium (Eriocaulon, Acacia)
Bob Makinson, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney (Astrotricha, Grevillea)
Bruce Maslin, Herbarium of Western Australia (Acacia)
Viktor Massing, Profesor of Botany & Ecology, Tartu, Estonia
Peter Matthews, ANU Canberra (Colocasia)
Betty Millington, Gauba Herbarium, ANU (Herbarium techniques)
Mia Molvray, Tulane University, Louisiana, USA (Korthalsella, Viscaceae)
David Morrison, University of Technology, Sydney (Acacia)
Effie Mullins, Canberra (poisonous plants)
Christopher Nadolny, University of New England, Armidale (conservation of Callitris oblonga)
Peter Ormay, ACT Parks and Conservation Service (plant identification)
Paddy Osborne, University of Papua New Guinea (herbarium databases)
Margaret Paris, Merimbula (NSW S coast collections)
Christine Payne, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney (illustrating Persoonia)
Julia Playford, ANU Canberra (Acacia)
Chris Reid, ANU Canberra (rainforest shrubs)
Jim Ross, National Herbarium of Victoria (Hovea, Bossiaea)
Kathy Salter, Dept of Primary Industries (fruit fly hosts)
Shaun Tam, University of California, Berkley, USA.
Lin Thompson, CSIRO Forestry, Yarralumla
Eleanor Tooth, NSW NPWS (rare & endangered plants in NSW)
Judy West, CSIRO Canberra (herbarium databases, herbarium management, ASBS)
Paul Wilson, Western Australian Herbarium (Heiipterum, Heiichrysum)
Bob Chinnock, State Herbarium of South Australia
Lucinda Coates, Macquarie University (lichens)
Feya David, Prince of Songla University, Thailand (lichens)
Jack Elix, ANU Chemistry Dept (lichen collections)
Heino Lepp, Canberra (fungal collections)
Viktor Massing, Profesor of Botany & Ecology, Tartu, Estonia
B. & G. Myall, Coffs Harbour (cryptogam curation and storage)
Helen P. Ramsay, Macquarie University, Sydney (mosses)
Bettye Rees, University of NSW (fungi)
Doug Verdon, Chemistry, ANU, Canberra (programming, cryptogams)
Mats Wedin, Uppsala, Sweden (lichens)
Botany Section (Honorary Associates and Collectors)
Reg Angus, Dee Why, NSW (orchid collections)
L. Barton, Ipswich, Qld (orchid collections)
R. Bates, Adelaide, SA (orchid collections)
A.D. Bishop (orchid collections)
Colin Bower, Orange, NSW (orchid collections)
Peter Branwhite, Albury, NSW (orchid collections)
Dick Burns, Hobart, Tas (Tasmanian flora)
Ralph Crane, SE QId (orchid collections)
Isobel Crawford, Canberra, ACT (regional flora)
G. D’Aubert (orchid collections)
Jack Elix, ANU, Canberra, ACT (lichens)
E. Foster, Belmont, Vic (orchid collections)
Phil Gilmour, Thora, NSW (regional flora)
Chris Goudey, Lara, Vic (fern collections)
Colin Harmer, O’Reilleys, Qid (orchid collections)
Ron Heberle, Albany, WA (orchid collections)
Barbara Jones, Melba, ACT (research)
Len Lawler, Atherton, Qld (orchid collections) 2
Heino Lepp, Canberra, ACT (fungi)
L. Marshall, Vic (orchid collections)
Effie Mullins, Canberra, ACT (general collections)
Margaret Parris, Merrimbula, NSW (regional flora)
S. Pearson, Eungella, Qld (orchid collections)
Ted Pederson, Blackdowm Tableland, Qld (orchid collections)
Rosemarie Purdie, Aust. Heritage Commission (regional flora)
H. Ranken (orchid collections)
H. Richards, Melbourne, Vic (orchid collections)
John Riley, Lumeah, NSW (orchid collections)
J. Roberts, SE Qld (orchid collections)
R. Robertson, Cooktown, Qld (orchid collections)
C. Sandercoe, Qld NP&WS, Mogill, Qld (orchid collections)
M. Thomas, Berwick, Vic (orchid collections)
Ron Tunstall, Keiraville, NSW (orchid collections)
Alan Williams, Minto, NSW (orchid collections)
Ron Williamson, Coles Bay, Tas (orchid collections)
Visitor Services
Carmen Carlon (Banksia Centre)
Barbara Daly (Banksia Centre)
Sarah Edwards (Banksia Centre)
Leon Horsnell (In Flower This Week)
Wayne Merriman (Banksia Centre)
Juliette Robins (Banksia Centre)
ACRA (Inc.)
Joyce England (Assistant Registrar)
Purpose Locality Staff
Daviesia Victoria M. Crisp
Dillwynia sp nov J. Taylor Conservation, Forests and Lands Dep’t, Victoria
Eucalyptus seed Araluen, NSW D. Mallinson
. Winsbury
Floristic survey and as- South coast, NSW I. Telford
sessment of status of NSW National Parks
Plinthanthesis rodwayi and Wildlife Servic
General Collections Burrunjuck, NSW E. Canning
.D Mallinson
Lichens Errinundra, Victoria H. Streimann
.J Elix
M. Wedin***
Lichens Monga region, NSW H. Streimann
J. Elix
M. Wedin***
Mosses, lichens and liv- Barrington Tops, H. Streimann
erworts NSW J. E1ix
Mosses, lichens and liv- Holbrook, NSW H. Streimann
erworts J. Curnow
J. Elix
Mosses, lichens and liv- Narooma, NSW H. Streimann
erworts J. Curnow
J. Elix
Mosses, lichens and liv- Weddin Mts, NSW H. Streimann
erworts J. Curnow
J. Elix
Orchidaceae Manyana, NSW C. Broers
(Corybas) D. Jones
Orchidaceae Cocopara Range, C. Broers
(Pterostylis) NSW D. Jones
Orchidaceae Nowra-Huskisson, C. Broers
(Pterostylis & Chiloglot- NSW D. Jones
Orchidaceae Vanuatu and New M. Clements
Caledonia A. Hay*
B. Wallace*
Orchidaceae (Diuris) New England, NSW C. Broers
D. Jones
Orchidaceae, especially Papua New Guinea M. Clements
Apostasia and Neuweida. P. Ziesing
Collection of neotype
Public Access Herbar- Tarago, NSW E. Canning
ium specimens H. Hadobas
Rare and Endangered SE Qld & NE NSW F. Davies
species M. Richardson
Rare and Endangered SW Victoria and F. Davies
species South Australia B. Hadlow
Rare and Endangered Sydney basin G. Butler
species A. Lyne
Sub-antarctic species Macquarie Island J. Croft
* Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
** Australian National University, Canberra
*** University of Uppsala, Sweden
Collaborative Research Projects
Phylogenetic analysis of suprageneric taxa of Fabaceae
Jenny Chappill, University of Western Australia; Peter Weston, National Herbarium of New South Wales and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Cladistic and biogeographic analysis of of the subtribe Embothriinae (Proteaceae)
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of New South Wales; S. Fleur, De Paul University, Chicago, USA and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Description of new species of Pultenaea (Fabaceae)
John Briggs, CSIRO Division of Plant Industry and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Description of two new genera of Fabaceae
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Phenetic Analysis and Revision of Telopea (Proteaceae)
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Revision of Australian Oreocallis (Proteaceae)
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island Moss flora
Helen Ramsay, Macquarie University; Dale Vitt, University of Alberta, Canada and Heinar Streimann, ANBG
Norfolk Island Lichen flora
Jack Elix, ANU Canberra and Heinar Streimann, ANBG
Catalogue of New Zealand Orchidaceae
Brian Molloy, DSIR, Christchurch, New Zealand; Mark Clements, ANBG and David Jones, ANBG
Collections made by Robert Brown (1801-05) related to his diary notes David Moore, British Museum (Natural History), UK and Mark Clements, ANBG
Pollination biology of orchids database
Jim Armstrong, Western Australian Herbarium; Mark Clements, ANBG and David Jones, ANBG
Isozyme studies of Zieria species. (rare taxa from Nowra)
Jim Armstrong, Western Australian Herbarium and Ish Sharma, ANBG
Isoszyme studies of Hibiscus insularis
Jim Armstrong, Western Australian Herbarium and Ish Sharma, ANBG
Assistance to other organizations
Herbarium staff, in conjunction with other Botany staff, assisted the Joint Enquiry into the South-East Forests by checking a large list of species names. Additional information on species habit and life-form was also provided.
Herbarium staff assisted hospital staff and members of the public with the identification of edible and poisonous fungi and other poisonous plant enquiries. Botany staff provided information on 199 botanical enquiries from the general public.
A number of educational groups visited the Herbarium to learn more of its functions and aspects of curation and preservation of biological specimens. In addition the Herbarium hosted two work-experience students.
A taxonomy course was conducted by Michael Crisp at the Australian National University and he examined a Ph D thesis for the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Chappill, J.A*., Crisp, M.D. & Prober, S.M.* 1990. Eucalyptus elaeophloia:a new species from the Nunniong Plateau, Victoria. Aust. Syst. Bat. 3: 275-279.
Clements, M.A. 1990. Catalogue of Australian Orchidaceae. Australian Orchid Research 1: 1-160. Australian Orchid Foundation.
Crisp M.D. 1990. Book Review: ‘The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants’, 2nd Edition, by Arthur Cronquist. Aust. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 63: 16-19.
Crisp, M.D. 1990. Book Review: ‘A Fieldguide to Native Peaflowers of Victoria and Southeastern Australia’, by Dorothy Woolcock. Aust. Syst.Bot. Soc. Newsletter 62: 18-19
Elix, J. & Streimann, H. 1989. The Lichens of Norfolk Island 1: Introduction and the family Parmeliaceae. Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 111: 103-121.
Foster, J. 1990 Correas. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Canberra Region Newsletter 8 (7)
Gray, B.* & Jones, D.L. 1989. New Species of Bulbophyllum section Oxysepalum (Orchidaceae) in Australia. Austrobaileya 3: 141-148.
Gray, B.* & Jones, D.L. 1990. A new species of Dendrobium section Dendrocoryne (Orchidaceae) from north-eastern Queensland. Proc. R. Soc. Qld 100:105-107.
Jones, D.L. & Clements, M.A. 1989. Reinterpretation of the genus Genoplesium R.Br. (Orchidaceae, Prasophyllinae). Lindleyana 4: 135-149.
Jones, D.L. & Lavarack, P.S. 1990. A new species of Calochilus (Orchidaceae) from north-eastern Queensland. Proc. R. Soc. Qld 100:101-103.
Jones, D,L.. 1990. Confused or poorly known Australian orchids. The Orchadian 9:293-295
Meredith, L.D., Crisp, M.D. & Taylor, J.M. 1990 Chorizema varium: an extinct Australian species. The Plantsman 11: 246-250.
Streimann, H. 1990. New Record of New Guinea Lichens. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68: 255-267.
Streimann, H. 1990. Field Work on New Britain, Papua New Guinea. The Bryological Times 50.
Telford , I.R.H. 1989. Rediscovery of Muellerargia timorensis (Cucurbitaceae). Aust. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 59: 4
Telford , I.R.H. 1989. New record for the problematic genus Lepturopetium (Poaceae). Aust. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 59: 5
Telford , I.R. 1989. Sicyos in the Hawaiian Islands. Phytologia 67: 209- 213.
Telford , I.R. 1990. Moving mountains, Allan Cunningham and the mountains of south-eastern Queensland. In Short, P.S. (ed.) History of Systematic Botany in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany Society
Telford , I.R. 1990. Cucurbitaceae. In Sohmer et al. (eds) Manual of the flowering plants of the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum and University of Hawaii Press.
* external author