Policy Documents for the ANBG
Management Plan | Future planning | Annual Reports | CPBR Agreement | Policy Documents | EPBC Act
Administrative Framework for the ANBG
- Management Plan - the basic management document for the ANBG required under the EPBC Act
- CPBR Agreement - the legal document between DEH and CSIRO establishing the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
Deed of Variation December 2009 - extending the CPBR Agreement until the end of April 2010 - EPBC Act - Regulations - DEWHA's information about the EPBC Act
- Australian Heritage Listing for ANBG as a Listed Place under EPBC Act Schedules
- EPBC Act delegations for ANBG and exemptions for biological resources of ANBG (PDFs).
Policy and Planning Internal Documents
- Ants, Jack Jumper, Strategy 2006 – strategy for managing risk to staff at the ANBG
- Armillaria Strategy for ANBG 2003-2013 – managing a fungal pathogen in the ANBG (PDF)
- Celebration Bench Policy for the ANBG – updated policy document 2017 (PDF)
- Certificate of Currency - General Indemnity (PDF)
- Conservation Policy 2016-2022- principles and objectives that will set the future direction for ANBG conservation actions
- Contractor and Visitor Orientation Checklist - document for all visitors doing work on site (Word doc)
- Copyright owned by the Director of National Parks 1993 – relevant to the management of the ANBG Photo Collection (PDF)
- Design Guidelines for ANBG 1993 - design standards manual prepared for the future design of the ANBG (from a scan of the document in 2010)
- Education Strategy – philosophy and direction for education programs at the Gardens (PDF)
- Emergency Management Plan - emergency management information and procedures
- Fees, Schedule of Charges, Australian National Botanic Gardenspublic web page.
- Fire Management Plan for the ANBG 2009 – managing the threat of fire in the ANBG (PDF) (staff access only)
- Friends of ANBG - MOU 2011 – PDF of signed MOU (staff access only)
- Genetic Resources Documents and Policies relevant to botanic gardens
- Greening Australia - provision of facilities at ANBG - Agreement with DNP (PDF)
- Interpretive Panel Style Guide for ANBG - outdoor signs in the Gardens (PDF)
- Jervis Bay (Booderee) - ANBG Agreement (MoU) 1997 PDF - for continued links (Word doc)
- Gift Policy for the ANBG 2001 – extract from the Public Art Master Plan
- Living Collection Policy 2016–2022 – policy on development and maintenance of the ANBG's Living Collection
- Logo, permission to use 2004 ANBG logo – granted by PM&C (PDF)
- Logo and Symbol use Policy for the ANBG 2004 – use on letterhead, publications and uniforms etc.
- Logo and branding style guide for ANBG 2011 – developed by Grey Canberra for ANBG
- Marketing Plan - the marketing framework and associated actions
- Parking Policy for ANBG staff – carpark use by staff, Friends, and licencees
- Permit to undertake commercial activity in the ANBG - managed by Parks Australia on the Department of the Environment's (DotE) website
- Permit to undertake research in the ANBG - managed by Parks Australia on DotE website
- Permit to undertake other activities in the ANBG - managed by Parks Australia on DotE website
- Permit for Release of Specimens from the ANBG - conditions and costs for permits, with PDF agreements
- Pest Management Strategy - effective and efficient control procedures and on-going population monitoring addressing the management of established vertebrate pest species populations
- Photograph Collection Policy – including the Australian Plant Image Index
- Photo Collection DNP MOU with DEW Heritage Division - to transfer old ANPWS photos, Jan 2006
- Plant Label Policy for the ANBG – what labels are used in what situations
- Plant Removal Policy for the ANBG 2006 – how to handle plants of unknown origin
- Plant Release Policy for the ANBG 1997 – decision making on plant release
- Plants not to be sold in ANBG 2004 – potential weeds, aimed at NGO's plant sales
- Public Art Policy for the ANBG – how decisions are made on out-door art in the Gardens
- Snake Management Plan- objectives and specific actions to be implemented each year to raise awareness of snakes in the Gardens
- Social Media Policy for ANBG - how and why we use social media, Facebook, Twitter etc (PDF)
- Style Guide - brand guidelines - brand style guide (PDF)
- Tax Deductible Gift Recipient Endorsement Certificate 2006 – for the ANBG within ANPWS
- Thematic Plan for the ANBG – what goes where in the various garden beds
- Tree Management Strategy 2016–2026 – an overview of how trees are managed within the ANBG's Living Collection
- Visitor Safety Orientation – OH&S orientation for staff and contractors on site (PDF)
- Volunteer Policy documents for ANBG – responsibilities and registration forms (CPBR categories)
- Volunteers at ANBG original 1992 Gazettal page - Declaration by the Minister (relevant bit highlighted)
- Zones for the ANBG Section numbering 2005 – introduction, boundaries and actions (PDF)
Australian National Herbarium - CPBR/CANBR
- Accession Policy - priorities for accumulating herbarium specimens
- De-accession Policy for the Australian National Herbarium – what to do with unwanted specimens
- Disaster Plan for Herbarium - (includes ANBG Library and Photo Collection)
- Non-staff use of Herbarium facilities
- Visitor Category Policy for CPBR – non-staff use of the facilities at the Australian National Herbarium
- Strategic Plan for the CPBR 2000–2004 – operational plan for the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
- CPBR - Authority of the Director – delegation from Chief CSIRO PI and DNP – March 2007
Annual Reports for ANBG
- ANBG extract from Director National Parks Annual Report 2010-11 - HTML document (PDF)
- ANBG extract from Director National Parks Annual Report 2009-10 - HTML document (PDF)
- ANBG extract from Director National Parks Annual Report 2008-09 - HTML document (PDF)
- ANBG extract from Director National Parks Annual Report 2007-08 - HTML document (PDF)
- ANBG extract from Director National Parks Annual Report 2006-07 - HTML document (PDF)
DotE & International policies relevant to the ANBG
- Common Policy Guidelines: Guidelines to assist in the preparation of Institutional Policies based on the Principles on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing for Participating Institutions. Agreed to in Cartagena, November 2000.
- The National Strategy and Action Plan for the Role of Australia's Botanic Gardens in Adapting to Climate Change - 2008 - nationally endorsed strategy from Australia's eight major botanic gardens.
- Nationally Consistent Approach for Access to and the Utilisation of Australia’s Native Genetic and Biochemical Resources (NCA) [PDF].
- Understanding the Nationally Consistent Approach for Access to and the Utilisation of Australia’s Native Genetic and Biochemical Resources (NCA).
- Global Strategy for Plant Conservation - from the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) web pages.
- Global Strategy for Plant Conservation - from the BGCI web site (download as PDF)