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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer.Numbers in brackets [ ] refer to garden bed 'Sections'. Plants in flower are in bold type. |
2 August 2002
This walk is along the Main Path, starting just past the Café, and is easy to follow as the path is made of pebbled concrete. On the left is Astartea ‘Winter Pink’ [Section 10] with just a few pink flowers and lots of tiny white buds. Then look for Eremophila maculata subs. brevifolia [Section 10], with its maroon-coloured tubular flowers. Wander on and behind the seat is the long-stemmed Stout Bamboo Grass, Stipa ramosissima [Section 30], and, to the right, is Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. glauca [Section 30], a grass tree. Eriostemon verrucosa J. Semens [Section 30] has a few delicate pink flowers with lots of deep pink buds yet to open. Nearby Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 30] is a tall shrub with big, bright orange, cylindrical flower heads, with those closer to the ground not quite so big. Almost opposite is Banksia burdettii [Section 30], a small shrub with just one lone grey cone, not yet in full colour. Banksia spinulosa ‘Birthday Candles’ [Section 30] has its orange candles dotted all over the prostrate plant.
Continue along the path until you have crossed the road and find Hakea cycloptera [Section 24], a small shrub with lots of pale pink flowers hiding along its slight branches. Grevillea ripicola [Section 24] covers a large area of the garden with its bright green foliage and red flowers. Further along, Phebalium stenophyllum [Section 112], a small plant with equally small, bright yellow flowers, is putting on a very pleasing show.
Cross over to the Sydney Region Gully and Cryptandra sp. A [Section 191h] is a medium-sized bush with blue-grey bracts which dominate the tiny white flowers in its centre. Epacris impressa [Section 191h] is a small shrub, inclined to be a bit spindly, with tiny, bright red tubular flowers. There are a few of these plants scattered through the garden. In contrast, Epacris calvertiana var. calvertiana [Section 191j] is a much more vigorous plant with tubular flowers of creamy white and is equally attractive. Allocasuarina nana [Section 191h], a medium-sized bush, is covered in a flush of tiny, reddish-brown male flowers. There are a number of these plants covering a quite a big area. Melaleuca capitata [Section 191e] has nestling at the tip of each branch a pom-pom type cream flower, quite delightful.
Cross the Eucalypt Lawn to the Wattle Section, where Acacia flexifolia [Section 19] displays tight yellow balls against the dark green foliage. A short step further along, on the right, is Acacia consobrina [Section 18] with slightly duller foliage and smaller flower balls, but still very attractive.
Cross the road to where a group of Hakea purpurea [Section 20], on the left, displays reddish flowers shining in the sunlight and, on the right, Hakea obtusa [Section 20] has its pinkish-red flowers tucked along the older wood. Round past the Rock Garden and just near the bubbler (on the left) is the tiny Guichenotia ledifolia [Section 4] with dusty pink to mauve flowers complementing its grey-green foliage. There are many more plants to see along this path on the way back to the car park.
Enjoy your walk, Naomi Bell
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