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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer.Numbers in brackets [ ] refer to garden bed 'Sections'. Plants in flower are in bold type. |
30 August 2002
Opposite the Visitor Centre doors, have a look at the new epiphyte display which is just being installed. The Rats-tail or Bridal Veil Orchid, Dockrillia (Dendrobium) teretifolia [Section 210], has roots attached to old branches and creamy-white flowers giving the appearance of a bridal veil; the long narrow leaves resemble rats tails. This walk, however, is along the Main Path, so start at the far end of the Café building where Acacia alata [Section 240], a long-flowering wattle, has fluffy cream flower balls along its low flat angular stems. Astartea Winter Pink [Section 11] has tiny pink flowers over an open shrub. Past the garden of daisies, where the yellow straw flowers of Bracteantha sp. [Section 303] are so bright, Philotheca verrucosa J. Semmens [Section 30] with branches so pink with buds, now reveals some white multipetalled flowers. Acacia baileyana [Section 30] is prostrate with soft fluffy strands along the low arching branches. Behind, Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 30] is a large shrub bright with deep gold cylindrical flower spikes.
Edging the path, Grevillea lavandulacea Tanunda [Section 30] has bright red spider-like flowers which illuminate the dwarf shrub with dark grayish-green foliage. Grevillea alpina (Goldfields form) [Section 30] is a larger shrub with bright green foliage mixed with soft yellow flowers. Continuing across the road, Grevillea Poorinda Adorning [Section 24] is another dwarf shrub edging the path with its own shade of red flowers and Grevillea rosmarinifolia [Section 24] is a medium size shrub bright with red spider-like flowers and nectar loving birds. Opposite, Grevillea flexuosa [Section 26] has sharp divided leaves and flowers like yellow candles dangling from the tips of the branches.
Hibbertia saligna - click for larger image |
Phebalium glandulosum [Section 112] bears clusters of small yellow flowers over the small shrub while Hardenbergia violacea [Section 112] spreads its trailers covered with deep purple pea flowers over ground and plants. The path curves through the Sydney Region Gully where Grevillea baueri subsp. asperula [Section 191S] is well covered with red and cream spider flowers. Leucopogon microphyllus var. microphyllus [Section 191M] is a dwarf shrub covered with tiny white flowers, while nearby, Epacris reclinata [Section 191M], also dwarf, has red tubular flowers in profusion. Acacia gordonii [Section 191], also dwarf, has lateral branches of golden flower balls. Leaving this area, Hibbertia saligna [Section 191L] continues to present bright yellow open flowers. The path then snakes through the Eucalypt Lawn to an area of wattles where Acacia consobrina [Section 18] is a low spreading shrub with yellow flower balls while Hakea recurva [Section 20] is of medium size and clad with sharp fine leaves and large cream flowers.
A corner of the Rock Garden includes Dampiera juncea [Section 15R] with deep blue flowers surrounded by the soft rose coloured daisies of Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea [Section 15R]. The path then passes the Wollemi Pine, Wollemia nobilis [Section 110] in its olive green cage, to the Rainforest, so green and cool, and down the ramp where Leptospermum Pink Cascade [Section 210] shows off its open pink flowers.
Goodbye winter, welcome spring Barbara Daly.
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