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Australian National Botanic Gardens |
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A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections.
Plants in flower are in bold type.
30 May 2008
Winter has arrived, warm sunny days, many bird calls and many flowering plants. Banksias with varying shades of gold, grevilleas bursting out in flower and many other flowers so come and wander along the Main Path starting at the end of the Café building where the winged wattle, Acacia alata var. biglandulosa [Section 240] with interesting flat zig-zag branches with cream fluffy flower balls attached.
A teatree, Leptospermum squarrosum [Section 12] is of medium size, covering its terminal branches with pink peach-blossom flowers. Baeckea crassifolia [Section 10] has a covering of dark centred pink flowers over this dwarf plant while Thryptomene denticulata [Section 9, 15S] is a graceful low shrub with arching lateral branches clad with small clusters of tiny pink flowers.
Continue along this winding path to view Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 30] with extended branches laden with gold upright cylindrical flower spikes. Nearby Banksia ‘Birthday Candles’ [Section 30], a dwarf expanding shrub beautified with many golden flower spikes. Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, yet small, has golden flower spikes ribbed with dark styles. There are many more banksias to admire edging this path.
Grevilleas seen from the path include Grevillea lanigera [Section 25], a dense groundcover covered in profusion with pink spider-like flowers. Across the road Hakea cycloptera [Section 24] is an upright shrub with needle-like leaves and pink lacy flowers along the branch terminals. Opposite, Grevillea humifusa [Section 26] is a prostrate plant bright with short vivid red toothbrush-like flowers. Grevillea dielsiana [Section 26] rising behind and above other shrubs, shows off its attractive burnt orange pendulous flower clusters while Grevillea ripicola [Section 24] a medium dense spreading shrub with yellow-red flowers the nectar enjoyed by the small honeyeater birds.
Continuing to the Sydney Region, flowers include Crowea exalata [Section 191h], yet a small shrub bearing small pink star shaped flowers. In the gully, Blackthorn, Bursaria spinosa [Section 191s] is quite tall bearing clusters of white daisies. Glimpses of the floral emblem of Victoria, Epacris impressa [Section 191p] with cherry red tubular flowers edging the stems of the wiry plant, are seen behind other shrubs. In the background wattles, Acacia suaveolens [Section 191p] are open medium upright shrubs displaying the lemon fluffy flower balls. Triplarina imbricata [Section 191e] is an open shrub with tiny leaves hugging the stems with tiny white flowers. Crowea saligna [Section 191u] seen behind the curved seat, is low and spreading showy with its large deep pink flowers.
Crossing the Eucalyptus Lawn towards the Rock Garden, pincushion hakea, Hakea laurina [Section 20], tall with long lateral branches with the stunning golf ball size maroon flower balls. The Rock Garden abounds with interesting shrubs including the Gymea Lily, Doryanthes excelsa [Section 15c] with yet, forming bud clusters atop such tall stems surrounded by long sword-like leaves. In front are dwarf size shrubs, Leucopogon microphyllus [Section 15c] with dark stems clad with tiny white flowers.
Towards the Rainforest Gully a conifer, Athrotaxis laxifolia [Section 78] is a tall slim conifer with fine stems crowded by leaves, the tree decorated with dusky yellow globular cones. The Rainforest is cool and relaxing, and on exit, the ramp again has other flowers to enjoy.
Such a pleasant walk … Barbara Daly.