Appendix A:
CPBR Proposal
Species for Vegetation Regeneration
Greening the Grainbelt - proposal to HMLG
The Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research (a collaborative venture between CSIRO Plant Industry and the Australian National Botanic Gardens) will undertake to prepare a list of appropriate candidate species for regeneration of vegetation in the Harden Landcare area, approximating the reconstructed original native species of the region.
The current list for revegetation in the Harden area prepared and distributed by the State Forests of N.S.W. is considered unsuitable both in terms of its biodiversity content (both taxa and life-form) and its inclusion of a number of undesirable and potentially noxious exotic species.
Interpretation and reconstruction of the likely natural flora of the area is necessary because of the near total removal of the natural understorey through past land-use and farm management practices. Re-establishment of a tree cover approximating the original species will not be sufficient; an understorey flora will have to be reintroduced as well.
This list of candidate species will be based on recent surveys, historical records in the literature and on specimens in the herbaria, as well as the known occurrence of plant species in surrounding areas. Staff from the Centre will visit sites identified via satellite imagery and documented in the Harden Shire Remnant Vegetation Management Plan, to ground truth and assess vegetation components. Local knowledge through on-ground liaison and the knowledge of botanical experts will also be applied to the construction, interpretation and assessment of these lists.
Existing propagation and revegetation literature as exists will be taken into account. These data will be supplemented by drawing on local knowledge, and particularly those involved with plantings (and aged tree lots) in the area during the past 20 years.
Through the use of local and scientific knowledge bases, the list of species will be prioritized and rated for preferred habitat and other growing conditions to maximise survival of individual plants in the reintroduction process. Recommendations will be in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia".
This phase of the project will proceed as follows:
Time frame
The Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research is prepared to undertake this project for $10,000. These funds will be used to employ a person skilled in the technical aspects of database interrogation and interpretation and data collation, as well as covering some of the cost of consumables.