Acaciella barrancana (H. Gentry) L. Rico
Rico Arce & BachmanAnales del Jardín Botánico de MadridVol. 63(2): 189-244July-December 2006
Synonymy and types
Acacia barrancana H. Gentry, Brittonia 6(3): 312, fig. 2. 1948, basion. Type: Mexico: Durango; Sierra Tres Picos [Cerro Tres Picos, 25º03' N, 107º00' W], 20 Dec. 1939, H.S. Gentry 5298 (holotype, MICH; isotypes, MEXU!, MO!, NY, US).
Formal description
Shrub to 2 m tall, glabrous. Stipules not seen. Leaves to 16 cm long; petiole 2-3(4) cm long, channelled above, glabrous; rachis 8-12 cm long, glabrous, with up to 5 pairs of pinnae per leaf; pinnae 7-10 cm long; paraphyllidia 2 mm long; leaflets 30-50 pairs per pinnae, 4-9 × 1-3 mm, oblong, base truncate, apex acute, sometimes rounded, the venation brochidodromous, the midvein submarginal at base, central at apex, glabrous, membranaceous. Inflorescences not seen. Legume 6-6.5 × 6-8 × 0.3 cm, flat, straight, valves chartaceous, conspicuously reticulate-veined, glabrous, acute at the base and apex; stipe 0.5 cm long; beak 3 mm long. Seeds 5-6 per fruit, circular in outline, spherical, 4-5 × 4.3 × 1.5-1.8 mm.
Mexico north, Chihuahua and Durango.
Additional info
Habitat. Dry scrub with palms and Quercus. Alt. 1000-1200 m.
Flowering time
Fruiting in October and December
Representative specimens
- Barranca de Batopillas, E of La Bufa, E slopes of Arroyo la Bufa, 27º 07' N, 107º 35' W, 1000 m, 6-X-1975, Bye, R. 6938 (MEXU).
- Sierra Tres Picos [Cerro Tres Picos], 25º 03' N, 107º 00' W, 1150 m, 20-XII-1939, Gentry H.S. 5298 (MEXU, MICH, MO, NY).