Senegalia berlandieri (Benth.) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 109. 1928;
Synonymy and types
Acacia berlandieri Benth., London J. Bot. 1: 522. 1842. - TYPE: MEXICO. NUEVO LEÓN: Monterrey, Jan 1828, M. Berlandier 1392 [lectotype, designated here: OXF (MEXU photo); isolectotypes G, GH, P]; [paralectotype: Texas, Berlandier s.n.]. NOTE: See Isely (1969) and Glass (2003) for discussion of type. Bentham (1842) cited (Monterey, Texas, Berlandier). Although Bentham's statement is ambigous, we have interpreted it to mean that there are syntypes, both collected by Berlandier, one from Monterrey, N. L., Mexico, which we lectotypify above, and one from Texas that we have not seen.
Acacia tephroloba A. Gray, Pl. wright. 1: 65. 1852. - TYPE: UNITED STATES. TEXAS: expedition from Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, May-Oct 1849, C. Wright 175 and 176 (syntypes: GH).