Vachellia schaffneri (S. Watson) Seigler & Ebinger, Phytologia 87: 167. 2005.
syn. Acacia schaffneri (S. Watson) F. J. Hermann, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 38: 236. 1948.
Synonymy and types
Basionym: Pithecellobium schaffneri S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 17: 352. 1882. Samanea schaffneri (S. Watson) J. F. Macbr., Contr. Gray Herb. 59: 2. 1919. Popanax schaffneri (S. Watson) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 89. 1928. Acacia schaffneri (S. Watson) F. J. Herm., J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 38: 236. 1948. - TYPE: MEXICO. SAN LUIS POTOSÍ: in the mountains about San Luis Potosí, C. C. Parry & E. Palmer 219 [lectotype, designated by Rzedowski (1963): GH].
Acacia subtortuosa Shafer in Britton & Shafer, N. Amer. Trees, 524. 1908. - TYPE: MEXICO. DURANGO: near the city of Durango, Apr - Nov 1896, E. Palmer 11 (holotype: NY; isotypes: F, MO, UC).
Formal description
Shrub or small tree to 10 m tall. Bark grayish brown, shallowly furrowed. Twigs dark purplish brown to dark brown, slightly flexuous, usually densely pubescent with erect hairs. Short shoots commonly present above the stipular spines, to 5 mm long, covered with acuminate stipules and old leaf bases. Leaves alternate, commonly clustered on the short shoots, 5-20 mm long. Stipular spines light to dark brown, usually becoming light gray with age, symmetrical, terete, straight, thin to stout, to 15(30) x 1.5 mm near the base, usually pubescent at least near the base. Petiole adaxially grooved, 2-8 mm long, usually densely pubescent with erect to ascending hairs; petiolar gland solitary, located at or just below the lower pinna pair, sessile, circular, 0.2-1.1 mm across, doughnut-shaped, finely puberulent. Rachis adaxially grooved, 0-18 mm long, pubescent, usually a sessile, circular gland 0.1-0.3 mm across, between the terminal and occasionally the other pinna pairs. Pinnae (3)4 to7 pairs per leaf, 7-28 mm long, 2-8 mm between pinna pairs. Petiolules 0.4-1.0 mm long. Leaflets 10 to 19 pairs per pinna, opposite, 0.5-1.1 mm between leaflets, oblong, 2.0-4.2(5.0) x 0.6-1.1 mm, pubescent beneath with erect hairs, lateral veins sometimes obvious, only one vein from the base, base oblique, margins ciliate, apex broadly acute to obtuse. Inflorescence a densely flowered globose head, 8-11 mm across, solitary or in clusters of 2 to 5 on the short shoots. Peduncles 7-24 x 0.3-0.9 mm, densely pubescent, and small, red, deciduous glands also present. Involucre 4- to 5- lobed, located at the base of the globose head, lightly pubescent, persistent. Floral bracts spatulate, 0.8-1.3 mm long, puberulent, deciduous. Flowers sessile, yellow; calyx 5-lobed, 0.8-1.6 mm long, the lobes glabrous to puberulent; corolla 5-lobed, 2-3 mm long, the lobes glabrous to puberulent; stamen filaments 3.2-4.2 mm long, distinct; ovary glabrous to densely pubescent, on a stipe to 0.2 mm long. Legumes dark brown to black, straight to slightly curved, flattened, not constricted between the seeds, linear, 70-160 x 9-13 mm, coriaceous, recticulately striate, densely pubescent with erect hairs, glandular with minute, red, deciduous glands, indehiscent; stipe to 4 mm long; apex acute to obtuse. Seeds uniseriate, no pulp, light to dark brown, ovoid, slightly flattened, 6.0-9.1 x 5.0-6.5 mm, smooth; pleurogram oval, 3.1-5.0 mm across. Flowers in February to April. Chromosome number: 2n = 26 (Turner and Fearing 1960).
On relatively dry sites with various soils, in pastures, successional fields and other disturbed sites between 600 and 2500 m elevation from south Chihuahua and Coahuila, south to Veracruz and northern Oaxaca, Mexico.
Additional info
Individuals of Vachellia schaffneri are distinguished from those of V. bravoensis, by the broader (9-13 mm across) fruits that are not constricted between the seeds, the thicker twigs (2.5-4 mm thick), the leaves with more pinna pairs (mostly 4-7 on the primary leaves), leaflets that are pubescent beneath, and the overall size of the plant (to 10 m tall). Although somewhat variable in these traits, the pubescence on the underside of the leaflets appears to be very consistent, and when only primary leaves (those developing at the nodes on new growth) are considered, the number of pinna pairs is a very usable characteristic as V. bravoensis usually has 3 or fewer pinna pairs. Also, V. schaffneri is usually found at higher elevations, and has a more southerly distribution, being largely restricted to central Mexico. According to Rzedowski (1978), V. schaffneri is an ecologically important species of the arid to semi-arid regions at moderately high altitudes, and often is the dominant woody species.
The specimens examined showed little variation with respect to most characteristics, the most variable trait being the number of pinna pairs on a leaf. Generally, the primary leaves on new growth are larger, with more pinna pairs than the leaves that developed from the short shoots. Usually the primary leaves have from 4-7 pinna pairs, a petiole that is less than 3 mm long, a rachis to 18 mm long, and a larger petiolar gland (0.5-1.1 mm across). Short shoot leaves, in contrast, have 1-4 pinna pairs, a petiole that is usually more than 3 mm long, a rachis that rarely exceed 10 mm in length, and petiolar gland that is mostly less than 0.5 mm across. All of the specimens examined were either strongly to moderately cyanogenic. The cyanogenic glycoside present is proacacipetalin (Seigler et al. 1978).
The specimen cited in the original description (Watson 1882) consists of three separate collections on a single sheet: Schaffner 623, Schaffner 628 and Parry & Palmer 219. Schaffner 623 and 628, consist of material that is mostly Pithocellobium leptophyllum (Cav.) Daveau with a small amount of V. schaffneri material included. The Parry & Palmer 219 collection, however, consists entirely of V. schaffneri material and was designated the lectotype (Rzedowski 1963).
Besides Vachellia bravoensis, the only species that V. schaffneri is likely to be confused with is Vachellia astringens (syn. Acacia atramentaria), a species restricted to northern Argentina, far south of the range of V. schaffneri. Both taxa have a large doughnut-shaped gland between the lower most pinna pairs. Vachellia atramentaria, however, has primary leaves that exceed 20 mm in length and petiolules that are more than 1 mm long. In V. schaffneri, in contrast, the primary leaves are usually less than 20 mm long and the petiolules are shorter.
Flowering time
Representative specimens
- highway to Ojuelos, Jal., 9 miles E of Aguascalientes, alt. 2000 m, 8-9 Aug 1958, R.McVaugh 16657 (MO);
- 12 miles W of border of Jalisco-Aguascalientes on hwy. 70, 20 May 1980, D.S.Seigler, P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11522 (ILL);
- 13 miles S of Chihuahua on hwy. 49, 27 May 1983, D.Seigler, J.Kramer & E.Carreira 12004 (ILL);
- 31 miles N of Jiménez on hwy. 49, 27 May 1983, D.Seigler, J.Kramer & E.Carreira 12011 (ILL);
- along hwy. Mex. 40, 3 km SW of turnoff to Carlos Real, alt. 1850 m, 26 Jul 1982, G.Diggs & M.Nee 3043 (F);
- along hwy. 45, 5 miles S of El Casco, alt. 6200 ft., 25 Mar 1984, A.C.Sanders 4840 (TEX);
- al SE de Tepehuanes, Mpio. Tepehuanes, 23 Jul 1982, P.Tenorio L. & C.Romero de T. 1216 (MO);
- La Cuesta de la Aurora 5 km, al W de La Posta del Vergel, Mpio. Santa María del Oro, alt. 1800 m, 12 Oct 1982, P.Tenorio L. & C.Romero de T. 2074 (MO);
- 9.5 km al SW de Suchil, Brecha a la Michelia, Mpio. Suchil alt. 2080 m, 6 Mar 1985, P.Tenorio L. & C.Romero de T. 8058 (MO);
- Mirador el Fortín 13 km, al SW de Suchil, Mpio. Vicente Guerrero, 11 Sep 1985, P.Tenorio L., J.Ignacio S. & C.Romero de T. 9564 (MO);
- 2.8 miles N of Veintisiete de Novembre on hwy. 40, 15 Aug 1978, W.L.Wagner 3956 (MO);
- 63 miles E of Durango on hwy. 40, 2 Jun 1966, J.S.Wilson 11295 (TEX);
- pasture, 8 km E of Acámbaro, 13 Dec 1990, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & C.Gratton 13086e (EIU);
- Rancho San Cristóbal, road to San Diego de Alejandria from San Francisco del Rincón, 14 Dec 1990, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & C.Gratton 13094e (EIU);
- Rancho San Cristóbal, road to San Diego de Alejandria from San Francisco del Rincón, 14 Dec 1990, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & C.Gratton 13095e (EIU);
- 4 miles N of intersection of road to León and Mexico route 45, N of León, 30 May 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13626 (ILL);
- 7 miles E of Guanajuato on road to San Miguel de Allende, 3 Jun 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13634 (ILL);
- 4.5 miles S of border of San Luis Potosí on hwy. 57, 7 Sep 1984, D.S.Seigler, D.L.Nickrent & S.Berlocher 12194 (ILL);
- 1 mile S of Zimapán, alt. 5600 ft. 7 Mar 1960, M.C.Johnston 5209 (TEX);
- Sierra de La Mesa, 31 Jul-1 Aug 1905, J.N.Rose, J.H.Painter & J.S.Rose 9138 (US);
- 50.4 miles N of Ixmiquilpan on hwy. 85, 3 Jul 1986, D.S.Seigler & B.Maslin 12679 (ILL):
- 3 km al poniente de la cabecera en el potrero San Juan, rancho San Isidro, Mpio. Valle de Gpe., Feb 1988, S.G.Casillas 1 (MU);
- La Fabrica, alt. 1850 m, 5 Apr 1978, M.Guttiérrez s.n. (WIS);
- 12 miles NE of Lagos de Moreno on hwy. 80, 19 Jul 1975, D.S.Seigler & G.Holstein 9472 (ILL);
- 6 miles W of Zacatecas-Jalisco border on hwy. 70, 20 May 1980, D.S.Seigler, P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11521 (ILL);
- 7 km al N de Huehuetaca, alt. 2350 m, 24 Mar 1966, R.Cruz Cisneros 569 (TEX);
- cerca de San Martín de las Pirámides, 6 Mar 1966, J.Rzedowski 22022 (LL);
Nuevo León:
- edge of Mexico route 57, 31 miles N of San Roberto, 4 Jun 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13740 (EIU, ILL);
- 6.8 miles NW of Nochixtlán, alt. 6730 ft., 26 Aug 1967, O.F.Clarke, B.T.Gittins, H.Haid & E.Lathrop s.n. (CAS);
- about 7 km from Tamazulapán, in hills about 35 km E of Huajuapan de León, alt. 2310 m, 18 Feb 1992, C.E.Hughes, S.A.Harris & R.Atkinson 1632 (MO);
- 2 km al SE de Tamazulpán, camino a San Jerónimo, Distrito de Teposcolula Mixteca Alta, alt. 2240 m, 24 Feb 1982, A.G.Mendoza 921 (MO);
- Cerro verde al NE de Marcos Pérez, Dist. de Coixtlahuaca, alt. 2500-2850 m, 7 Jul 1986, A.Salinas T., P.Tenorio, D.Frame & A.García F-3325 (MO);
- 7 miles SE of Tlalcolula on hwy. 190, 30 May 1980, D.S.Seigler, P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11572 (ILL);
- a 7 km al SE de Tejupan, carretera Huajuapan de León-Oaxaca, alt. 2230 m, 7 Feb 1976, M.Sousa, M.A.Martínez A., O.Téllez & A.S.Magallánes 5159 (WIS);
- a 11 km al E de Villa de Mitla, Distr. Tlacolula, alt. 1800 m, 12 Dec 1978, M.Sousa & L.Rico 10017 (MO);
- 2 km al W de Cacaloapán, 1 Oct 1985, O.Dorado R. & A.Salinas T. F-2998 (F, TEX);
- barrancas near Rancho de Gavilán, alt. 6000-7000 ft., C.A.Purpus 3870 (F);
- Junta de Majada, 9 May 1983, P.Tenorio 3963 (TEX);
- 10 km al S de la desviación hacia Orizaba y Tehuacán, alt. 1839 m, 19 Nov 1981, A.Valiente B. & R.Schubert 10 (TEX);
- between San Juan del Río and Cadereyta, 20 Aug 1905, J.N.Rose, J.H.Painter & J.S.Rose 9641 (US);
- pasture, edge of Mexico route 55, 1 mile N of Querétaro/México border, 29 May 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13620 (EIU, ILL);
San Luis Potosí:
- 2 miles E of intersection of toll road bypass around San Luis Potosí and hwy. 70 to Ciudad Valles, on gravel road north of hwy. 70, 2 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 125 (EIU);
- 2 miles E of intersection of toll road bypass around San Luis Potosí and hwy. 70 to Ciudad Valles, on gravel road north of hwy. 70, 2 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 126 (EIU);
- 2 miles E of intersection of toll road bypass around San Luis Potosí and hwy. 70 to Ciudad Valles, on gravel road north of hwy. 70, 2 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 127 (EIU);
- 2 miles E of intersection of toll road bypass around San Luis Potosí and hwy. 70 to Ciudad Valles, on gravel road north of hwy. 70, 2 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 128 (EIU);
- 7 miles E of San Luis Potosí on hwy. 70, 3 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 129 (EIU);
- 7 miles E of San Luis Potosí on hwy. 70, 3 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 130 (EIU);
- 7 miles E of San Luis Potosí on hwy. 70, 3 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 131 (EIU);
- 7 miles E of San Luis Potosí on hwy. 70, 3 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 132 (EIU);
- 7 miles E of San Luis Potosí on hwy. 70, 3 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 133 (EIU);
- 7 miles E of San Luis Potosí on hwy. 70, 3 Jan 1995, H.D.Clarke & K.Readel 134 (EIU);
- Charcas, Jul-Aug 1934, C.L.Lundell 5140 (F, TEX);
- San Luis Potosí, 13 Jul 1899, J.N.Rose & W.Hough 4860 (US);
- 30 km NW of San Luis Potosí on road to Zacatecas, 18 Jul 1975, D.S.Seigler & G.Holstein 9435 (ILL);
- 27 miles N of San Luis Potosí, 3 Jun 1983, D.Seigler, J.Kramer & E.Carreira 12064 (ILL);
- 27 miles N of San Luis Potosí, 3 Jun 1983, D.Seigler, J.Kramer & E.Carreira 12065 (ILL);
- 21.2 miles N of Cd. Victoria on hwy. 85, alt. 6000 ft., 1 Jan 1965, D.H.Janzen 725 (ILL);
- 21.2 miles N of Cd. Victoria on hwy. 85, alt. 6000 ft., 1 Jan 1965, D.H.Janzen 726 (ILL);
- 8.8 miles N of Cd. Victoria on hwy. 85, 1 Jan 1965, D.H.Janzen 727 (ILL);
- near Guadalupe, Buena Vista, 22 Jun 1919, E.O.Wooton s.n. (US);
- pasture, Cotaxtla Experiment Station, 10 Jul 1964, D.H.Janzen 370 (EIU);
- 1-3 km W of and below Santiago, alt. 1650-1850 m, 28 Apr 1983, M.Nee & K.Taylor 26950 (F);
- Lomas abajo de Santiago, alt. 1900 m, 20 Jul 1971, L.I.Nevling & A.Gómez-Pompa 1894 (F);
- at hwy. Mex. 45 bridge over Río Totonilco, alt. 2000 m, 25 Jul 1982, G.Diggs & M.Nee 2978 (F);
- 19 miles NE of Nieves, alt. 6200 ft., J.Henrickson s.n. (LL);
- 20 miles N of Zacatecas, alt. 8000 ft., 25 Aug 1953, W.E.Manning & M.S.Manning 531303 (FLAS);
- 3.1 miles N of Estéban S. Castorena and just S of San Ignacio on hwy. 45, alt. 6800 ft, 25 Jul 1977, B.Parfitt, D.Pinkava, T.Reeves & E.Lehto 2326 (ASU);
- hills about Zacatecas, 17 Mar 1885, C.G.Pringle 170 (F).