Australian plant fossils
A brief bibliography
List compiled from resources of the ANBG Library 3rd Nov 2003
Douglas, JG 1983, What fossil plant is that ? A guide to the ancient
floras of Victoria, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, [Melbourne].
86 pp. ISBN 0959807462
Includes b&w photographs and line drawings to aid identification.
Stewart, WN 1983, Paleobotany and the evolution of plants,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
405 pp. ISBN 0521233151
Textbook summarising palaeobotanical information and relationships between
the major plant groups. Many line drawings, diagrams and photographs
White, ME 1988, Australia’s fossil plants, Reed, Frenchs
Forest, NSW.
144 pp. ISBN 0730102599
Numerous colour and b&w photographs of fossils by Jim Frazier.
White, ME 1993, The greening of Gondwana, 2nd edn,
Reed, Chatswood, NSW,
256 pp. ISBN 0730103900
Describes the evolution of Australia’s flora, with over 400 colour photographs
of fossils and living plants.
White, ME 1999, Reading the rocks, new edn, Kangaroo Press,
East Roseville, NSW.
256 pp. ISBN 0731808061
First published in 1990 as ‘The nature of hidden worlds’. Traces
the evolution of animals and plants in Australia and New Zealand. Includes
colour photographs of some fossil plants.
See also:
Hill, RS; Truswell, EM; McLoughlin, S; & Dettmann, ME 1999, 'Evolution
of the Australian Flora: Fossil Evidence', in Flora of Australia, Vol.1,
Introduction 2nd Ed., ABRS/CSIRO, Australia pp.251-320.
An overview of our current knowledge and a very extensive reference list.