A-H, Orthotrichum cupulatum. A, Calyptra. B, Capsule. C, Habit. D, Leaf. E, Upper laminal cells. F, Basal laminal cells. G, T.S. of leaf. H, Immersed stoma (W.A.Weber & D.McVean B32430, C). I-P, O. assimile. I, Calyptra. J, Dry capsule. K, Habit. L, Leaf. M, Upper laminal cells. N, Basal laminal cells. O, T.S. of leaf. P, Stoma (J.Lewinsky 1154, CHR [Figs I,J]; J.Lewinsky 1698, CHR [Fig K]; W.W.Watts 8827, NSW [Figs L,N]; W.N.Beckett, Kaikoura, H [Figs M,O]; Bell 298, H [Fig P]). Q-X, Stoneobryum bunyaense. Q, Calyptra. R, Dry capsule. S, Stem leaves. T, Perichaetial leaves. U, Stoma. V, Apical laminal cells. W, Basal laminal cells. X, Habit (holotype). Scale bars: 1 mm for habit and leaves; 100 ?m for cellular drawings.
Illustrators: D. Mackay
Flora of Australia Vol 51 figure 27