Caption: A,, habit with sporophytes. B,, capsule enlarged to show peristome teeth. C,, perichaetial leaf. D,, apex of (C) enlarged. E,, vegetative leaf from type specimen. F,, vegetative leaf from. G,, apical cells of branch leaf. H,, mid-laminal cells of branch leaf. I,, alar region of branch leaf. J,, peristome: endostome segment (left), exostome tooth (right). K,, spores. l,, exothecial cells (A?E, G?L, W.W.Watts Q591 NSW; F, I.G.Stone 15975 MEL). Scales: 1 mm for habit, capsules; 50 ?m for spores; 100 mm for cellular drawings, including peristome.
Reproduced from H.P.Ramsay, W.B.Schofield & B.C.Tan,The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 8, fig. 1 (2004). Illustrators: L. Eklan & H.P. Ramsay
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