A, Female plant with terminal archegonia. B?D, Stem leaves. E, Cells of leaf apex. F, Cells of upper part of vaginant laminae. G, Cells of dorsal lamina opposite junction of vaginant laminae. H, Cells of vaginant and dorsal laminae in basal part of stem leaf. I?K, Sections of leaf and costa. L, Stem section. M, Branched propaguliferous filaments from leaf axils. [syn: Fissidens maceratus Mitt.] WA: Kimberley?s; Lennard River Gorge; King Leopold Range; Fan Fern Gorge, 17?10?S, 125?10?E, A.C.Beauglehole 52602, (MEL 1041763).
Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
Australian Mosses Online