A, Sterile plant. B, Fruiting plant. C, Mid-stem leaf. D, Subperichaetial leaf. E, Perichaetial leaf. F, G, Cells of leaf apex. H, Cells of distal part of vaginant lamina. I, Cells of proximal part of vaginant lamina of perichaetial leaf with limbidium. J, K, Cells of proximal part of vaginant lamina of subperichaetial leaf with weak limbidium (J) and mid-stem leaf lacking a limbidium (K). L, Cells of proximal part of dorsal lamina. M, Section of leaf through apical lamina. N, O, Section of leaf through dorsal and vaginant laminae. P, Q, Stem sections. QLD: Cape York Peninsula, Lockerbie, property of Ann and Jack Hall, I.G.Stone 25570 (MEL 2329068).
Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
Australian Mosses Online