A, Fruiting plant with two mature sporophytes from same perichaetium. B, Stem leaf. C-E,Perichaetial leaves. F,G, Cells from leaf apex. H, Cells from apex of vaginant lamina. I, Cells from proximal part of vaginant lamina of perichaetial leaf.L, Cells from proximal part of dorsal lamina. M,N, Leaf sections. O, Stem section. P, Exothecial cells from mid capsule. QLD: Moreton District; Swans Paddock, Indooroopilly. F.Whitteron s.n., 02.viii.1986 (MEL 1034042 ? as Fissidens rivicola Broth. & P. De la Varde, n.sp.)
Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
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