A-J , Gleichenia . A-D , G. alpina . A , habit; B , enlargement of frond apex showing dormant bud; C , undersurface of ultimate segments; D , portion of root showing prominent cells (A-D , Hj. Eichler 16620, AD). E-F , G. abscida . E , habit; F , apex of frond showing absence of dormant bud (E-F , A.M.Gray, 17 Jan. 1977, HO). G-J , undersurface of ultimate segments. G , G. rupestris (S.T.Blake 21417, BRI); H , G. microphylla (A.M.Buchanan 2930, HO); I , G. mendellii (L.Durrington, 19 Feb. 1973, BRI); J , G. dicarpa (J.R.Croft 10, AD). K-L , Diplopterygium longissimum . K , mid-portion of frond; L , enlargement of undersurface with sorus (K-L , B.Gray 2087, AD).
Illustrators: G.R.M.Dashorst.
Flora of Australia Volume 48 (1998) figure 53.